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Escena Erasmus UV bring the Europe identity to Alacant, València and Castelló in 2024 last tour

  • UV General Foundation
  • December 9th, 2024
“Qui sóc jo quan ningú em mira” scene from Escena Erasmus UV PICTURE: MIGUEL LORENZO.
“Qui sóc jo quan ningú em mira” scene from Escena Erasmus UV PICTURE: MIGUEL LORENZO.

Universitat de València’s Escena Erasmus, winner of the Valencian Scene Arts Honour Award 2023, closed this year’s community tour of European December 2024 in Alacant, València and Castelló on 3, 4 and 5 Decembers respectively, bringing the “Qui sóc jo quan ningú em mira” act one last time.

It was the 15th theatre project of the university, written by Anna Marí and Daniel Tormo and directed by Josep Valero. A work that reflected on personal and collective identity: “Since, what is it that defines us? What makes us feel like we belong to a town, a country, a football team, an ideology, a community, a place?” issues the synopsis.

Valero stated “From the actors and actresses’ views and reflections on coming from five different states, “Qui sóc jo quan ningú em mira” delves into who we are and why in a convoluted world that’s threatened by wars, lies and absolutism -but also individualism, self-censorship and a distorted projection of oneself in a virtual world”. An argument reinforced by the DANA catastrophe of last 29 October in Valéncia.

The play took place three last times in collaboration with Generalitat Valenciana’s Council of Education, Culture, Universities and Work:

  • Tuesday 3 December, 19:30pm at Teatre Arniches in Alacant. Free access.
  • Wednesday 4 December, 19:00pm a Teatre El Musical in València. Free access and free entry
  • Thursday 5 December, 12:00pm at Teatre Principal in Castelló. Free access.

Europe December 2024: Ciao Bologna
The València’s community tour took place within the frame of Europe December 2024, which is focused on the bonding between València and Bologna in this edition. A bond of cooperation and confidence that started with an oath to friendship in 1976 and became a reality 4 years later.

Universitat de València’s Internationality and Multilanguage vice-Principal Carles Padilla, agreed that “it is amazing news that Escena Erasmus UV participates once again this year in Europe December” and “European values such as solidarity, inclusivity, multiculture respect and diversity” brought by the project in their scene work makes it “one of the best embassadors of the UV in Europe and even globally”.

Universitat de València’s Culture and Society vice-Principal Ester Alba congratulated the Escena Erasmus UV’s work on their projects, which makes it possible “for different cultures to coexist through theatre, discourse and dance, claiming social justice and equality, making the culture accessible for everyone”. According to her “Scene Arts are a vital instrument to bring to the students and reaffirm that culture is crucial for self growth within the University”.

The community tour ended with the project Little Europes from the Valencian Council and the IVAJ tour in 14 municipalities and cities of the Valencian Community. “After such a success in summer, it brings nothing but joy to reunite last year’s cast, Erasmus 2023-2024 students coming back to València to see each other again, to perform for us and meeting this year’s students for the 2025 tour” highlighted vice-Principal Carles Padilla.

Escena Erasmus UV lies within the frame of internationalization of Universitat de València, which is the top destination in receiving European Erasmus students and has been a representative of theatre projects lead by Erasmus students for 15 years and in more than 300 differente stages and festivals, such as Almagro, Olite, Olmedo, Elx, Santander International, Alcalà or the Brussels European Committé. 

Escena Erasmus UV has been aknowledged many time. It won the Carlemany Youth Award of 2011 by the European Parliament; Spotlight on Heritage in Culture and the Arts Award’s Honour Mention in 2018 by Brussels’ European League of Scene Arts; AVETID Award 2019 for the best Valencian theatre project; “Lluís Vives” Distinct Award 9 d’Octubre in 2021 by the Generalitat Valenciana’s Concil for their tribute o the European construction; and Valencian Scene Arts Honour Award in 2023 by the Valencian Culture Institute of GVA.