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Universitat de València to dedicate Europe December 2024 to Bologna, twinned city of València by the UNESCO since 1980

  • UV General Foundation
  • December 23rd, 2024
San Giovanni in Monte campus in Bologna (left) and historical building of Universitat de València’s Senate.
San Giovanni in Monte campus in Bologna (left) and historical building of Universitat de València’s Senate.

Thanks to the UV European Documentation Centre, Universitat de València organised a new edition of Europe December as an homage to València and Bologna twinning. To do so, it brought a rich programme of academic and cultural activities from 3rd to 20th December.

With “Ciao, Bologna” as its main line, the Europe December 2024 was dedicated to the 45th anniversary of both cities becoming twinned for the excellency. A Twinning that was signed in 1976 to form permanent bonds of cooperation and cultural, social and economic exchange for mutual growth.

Applied Economics full-time university professor José Luis García Delgado analysed on 3th December the future of Europe in his opening act that took place in the Graduate Hall of Universitat de València’s Faculty of Economics. García Delgado is the fformer Principal of International University Menéndez Pelayo, honoris causa Doctor by many universitiesand winner of a National Award, winner of the King Juan Carlos Award, Royal Academic from the Real Academia de Ciencias Morales y Políticas, and author of many works about Europe and Spanish economy.

On Wednesday 4 December, European theatre project Escena Erasmos of Universitat de València presented its latest play "Qui sóc jo quan ningú em mira" at the El Musical Thatre within the Community Tour of Europe December framework, which reached alacant (on 3 December, Arniches Theatre) and Castelló (on 5 December, Main Theatre). It is its 15th play, reflecting on personal and individual identity.

On Tuesday 10, Radio Malva 104.9FM dedicated its program “Hard Cuore” to Bologna and on Wednesday 11, a meeting between office responsibles of Network of the European Union in the Valencian Community took place in UV Faculty of Economics. On the afternoon an Italian literature colloquium was celebrated with writer Veronica Raimo, librarian Santiago Lemoine and journalist Noemi Neri at the Batisfera library.

On Thursday 12 December with Universitat de València’s Chairman of Applied Economics Josep M. Jordán Galduf’s latest work “Amar Europa: dietario de vivencias europeas”’ presentation along with Phylosopher Adela Cortina and Economist and IVIE Principal Francisco Pérez. The presentation took place at UV Faculty of Economics’ Manuel Sánchez Ayuso Room.

Galduf reflects on wether Europe can be loved and how to do so in this essay, bringing an answer from the analysis of the EU as a project and as a reality. “Barely 75 years old, you look back and feel like one of your great passions was the European integration”. These “love” and “passion” has made possible “this kind of dietary”, aiming to view Europe from a perspective of personal memories and experiences “placed around the beautiful community project that is as complicated as it is hope-bringing”.

Saturday 14 December there was a round table about Bologna’s Children’s Pricture Book Fair with artists AjubelOliveiro Dumas and Marta Pina in Media Vaca.

Schedule continued with the round table on Thursday 19 “Ciao Italia: Italy in València, València in Italy” by geographist Josep Vicent Boira, project manager Ivano Magazzu and architect Valentina Cristini, in Culture Centre Escorxador de El Cabanyal, and the closing act was the traditional Universitat de València Philharmonic Orchestra’s Christmas Concert in Charles Darwin room of Burjassot-Paterna campus on Friday 20. Conducted by Hilari Garcia Gázquez, the group performed a lovely Christmas programme with pieces of Chaikovski and Wladteufel, among others.

There is also the exhibition ‘10 años de carteles’, from 3 December to 22 January in La Batisfera of El Cabanyal, and webinar ‘Data Browser’ about Eurostat data visualization brought the last 19 November by Ana Maqueda, of the European Union Office of Statistics.

Europe December was born from different structures within Universitat de València coordinated by Universitat de València European Documentation Centre in order to bring closer the European reality to the university community and the Valencian societ thanks to a detailed activity programme including conferences, debates, round tables, specialized courses, thatre, music, cinema, radio and literature.

Participants include: Office of the Vice-Principal for Culture and Society, Office of the Vice-Principal for Internationalisation and Multilingualism, Universitat de València Faculty of Economics, Universitat de València General Foundation and outside public organisms like European Union and Foreign Relations Council Deparment (Generalitat Valenciana), City Council of València and València’s Europe Direct Office.
