The city will host two exhibitions organised by the Universitat de València, as part of the cultural programme of the Gandia Summer University. The exhibition Art, pain and commitment. Women in the Martínez Guerricabeitia Collection (orig. Art, dolor i compromís. Dones en la Col·lecció Martínez Guerricabeitia) will be held in the Casa de la Marquesa while Outraged. There is no planet B (orig. Indignadas. No hay planeta B) will be held in the Tossal Hall.
The cultural programme of the 41st edition of the Gandia Summer University is completed with two distinguished exhibition projects. The exhibition halls of the Casa de la Marquesa will hold the Art, pain and commitment. Women in the Martínez Guerricabeitia Collection on 15 July at 6:30pm. The exhibition aims to highlight the value of the work of women artists that form part of this collection. Many of these women pursued their work in a socio-political climate that immensely complicated their autonomy as creators. Others, from more recent years, enjoyed more prestige in their time, but today the majority of female artists are still forced to fight for their place in a predominantly androcentric artistic world. The exhibition includes works by artists Manuela Ballester, Natividad Bermejo, Carmen Calvo, Victoria Cano or María Carbonell, among many others.
Meanwhile, the Tossal Hall will hold the Indignadas. No hay planeta B exhibition, a project created purposefully by the artist María María Acha-Kutscher, whose work focuses primarily on women – their history, their fight for emancipation and equality, and the cultural construction of femininity. Indignadas is a visual representation of female participation in public protests around the world. The illustrations, based on photographs from print and alternative media, serve as testimony of both the female struggle and women’s fundamental role in social movements. In this version of the exhibition, Acha-Kutscher focuses mainly on protests concerning climate change, highlighting the intersectionality between feminism and environmentalism.
These exhibitions are coming to Gandia thanks to the Office of the Vice-Principal for Culture and Society of the Universitat de València.