General FoundationMusical Activities DepartmentUniversity of Valencia Logo del portal




At the beginning of the 20th century, among the towns that followed one another along the Vall de Laguar, in Alicante's Marina Alta, a new town began to form, taking its name from the valley where it was located. A valley open to the sea and surrounded by mountains, from where it was possible to see the horizon and not be seen from any of the neighbouring towns. Walled and hidden among the mountains, this new town located in the valley of Fontilles was conceived to remain hidden, but it needed to be permanently shown in order to survive. Its settlers came from places they never thought of leaving and to which they could never return. During a long century of existence, more than two thousand people lived and died in Fontilles. There they worked and enjoyed themselves, cared and were cared for, helped each other in suffering and shared their hopes, lost their freedom and fought together to regain it. As in many other villages, yes, but united in this case by a common secret that made them different from the rest.

The exhibition offers visitors the opportunity to tour and get to know the town of Fontilles through images, objects and the voices of its inhabitants. It is an invitation to touch, look and listen to what the inhabitants of this hidden city show and tell them, in the hope of awakening interest and curiosity to learn more about a place that is apparently so different and yet so similar to any other. 

The exhibition draws on the rich documentary, material, iconographic, audio-visual, sound and oral heritage accumulated throughout the history of Fontilles , which has recently been recovered, preserved and made available to everyone thanks to the Fontilles Heritage Project, a work project resulting from the collaboration between the Universitat de Alicante and the Fontilles Foundation, which was made possible thanks to funding provided by the Japanese Sasakawa Health Foundation. 

Visitors will be able to consult plans and maps of the buildings and spaces that made up this area of isolation, learn about its form of government and the rules that governed daily life, browse the many devices designed to expose this hidden city to the eyes of those who wanted to watch and help from the other side of the wall ,learn about the ways of life and work of its inhabitants and discover the incredible variety of graphic representations that were devised to see and understand the shape and behaviour of the invisible agent that triggered all this history. 

The history of these objects, images, documents and voices is the history of those who used them in their lives and knew how to keep them so that their memory would not be lost. 


ScheduleFrom 19 december 2024 to 22 june 2025. Monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday and friday at 09:00 to 20:00.




VALÈNCIA (46003)

Organized by

Vicerectorat de Cultura i Societat.



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