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A woman sitting and another standing on stage

La Nau Theatre. By PuraVida Teatro


La Nau Theatre

Separata by Rocío Chico. 

By Theatre PuraVida. 

Directed by: Cecilia T. Palafox.

Valeria wants to join ESAD, but she has many insecurities and doesn’t know how to express her truth. She hires Isabel, an actress, to help her with the most important monologue of her life.

Separata is a play in which the things aren’t what they seem. The issue of sexism and violence against women exercised from the institutions is addressed, and we mainly focus on the justice system

Colloquium every Wednesday with the companies when the function finishes

Theater tickets can be booked in advance at la Tenda de la Universitat (UV shop) at La Nau, and at the University campus, or on its website ( Tickets €3

Programme [+]

All cultural activities programmed by the University Culture Service during the 2024/2025 academic year will have a solidarity nature dedicated to the victims of DANA; The proceeds from the tickets will go to the #UVajuda campaign started by the University of Valencia.


ScheduleFrom 20 november 2024 to 21 november 2024. Wednesday and thursday at 19:00 to 20:30.


Sala Matilde Salvador. Centre Cultural La Nau

Carrer de la Universitat, 2

València (46003)

Organized by

Aula d'Arts Esceniques, Servei de Cultura Universitària UV.

