Visits to the Paraninfo (Main Hall) and to the Sapiència Chapel
The Cultural Centre La Nau opens for Christmas its most emblematic spaces
.The UV Cultural Centre La Nau opens for Christmas its two most emblematic historical spaces: the Sapiència Chapel and the Paraninfo o Academic Theatre.
The Paraninfo will open on 13, 19, 20 and 21 December from16:00 to 20:00, and the Chapel on 19, 20 and 21 December from 10:00 to 14:00.
With this the Universitat de Valància wants to bring its rich heritage closer to the general public, as this year is its 525 anniversary.
ScheduleFrom 13 december 2024 to 21 december 2024. Every day at 10:00 to 20:00.
Centre Cultural La Nau
Carrer de la Universitat, 2
València (46003)
Vicerectorat de Cultura i Societat.
Contact cultura@uv.es