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When she was 10, she joined the Choral School of Quart de Poblet. Once she discovered that she loved choral singing, she started her musical studies in singing and piano. She graduated in Psychology and got a degree in Education and Music (singing speciality) at the Music School of Ribarroja de Turia. Then, she studied a master’s degree in Speech Therapy.

She attended singing classes with F. Kraus, P. Moral, C. Marqués and Ll. Martínez. Additionally, she also attended pedagogical music courses imparted by J. Wuytak, M. Perales and C. Contreras. She organises choral direction courses with J. R. Gil-Tàrrega, J. Martínez, M. Oca, E. De la Linde and M. Perales.

She has been a member of the Choir of the Opera Workshop of the Palau de la Música de Valencia, the Choir Villanella and the Choir Puccini. Currently, she is a member of the women’s choir “A cau d´orella” and sings occasionally in several choral associations such as the Choir Veus Juntes of Quart de Poblet and the Choir of Aldaia.

She has taught vocal techniques, music language, music and movements in the A. M. L´Amistat of Quart de Poblet, the CEMA of Alaquàs, the E. M. Camp de Morvedre and the School of Modern Music of Quart de Poblet. She was involved in the organisation and implementation of auditions for children organised by the Auditorio de Torrente form 2001 to 2010.

She led the infant choir of the Barrio del Cristo, the E.C. Aubada (Aldaia), the Polyphonic Choral Jesús y María, the Choir for old people Armonia de Aldaia and the choir of the Ceam Jorge Juan.

She currently directs the choir of the Banda Primitiva de Paiporta and the ChoirCantábile (Cheste-Godelleta). She is a teacher and director of the choir for children of the school Nuestra Señora del Socorro in Benetússer.