11:00 - 19:00
Diseñando Lo Por Venir. 7 experiencias de diseño para la inclusión social.
This proposal is based on an inclusive and collaborative design where everyone will find the conditions to explore their creativity in an open and...
11:00 - 14:00
Prints in Transition. Graphic Work from the Martínez Guerricabeitia Collection
The Universitat de València is displaying the exhibition ‘Prints in Transition’ at the Municipal Exhibition Hall ‘Casino...
Course offerings on art and related subjects (2022-2023)
The Martínez Guerricabeitia Collection of the General Foundation of the Universitat de València has published the new...
‘Advocacy Theatre Workshop: making drama to change the world’. Registration now open
The aim of the workshop is to work, from the English language, on applied theatre techniques with communities, where plays are created...
Stevia: The Sweet Panacea? OPENING: Wednesday 16 November, at 11:00 a.m. Assembly Hall of the Faculty of Nursing...
Disinformation and human rights (Online). Registration now open.
Disinformation is a phenomenon of growing interest in recent years, especially related to political and institutional events, such as elections of...
Fonaments d'Excel per a negocis (2ª edició). Inscripció oberta
El tractament d'informació en qualsevol departament d'una empresa és vital per al seu desenvolupament a curt i llarg termini...