19:00 - 21:00
Spring Concerts 2023 The Music Society of the Universitat de València organises the winter concert programme to be held in...
The Visual Arts Classroom has created a new cycle called “Sorolla Year” that will initially last until May 2024 Cycle programming [+]...
The Escola Coral la Nau opens its pre-registration for the 2023-2024 academic year
The Escola Coral La Nau of the Universitat de València opened its enrolment period for new students of the 2023-2024 academic year, and in...
Open enrolment for admission tests of the Orfeó Universitari of València
The Orfeó Universitari of València (OUV)...
Oberta la inscripció a les proves per a l’Orquestra Filharmònica de la UV
L’Orquestra Filharmònica de la Universitat de València...