Entre corazones de ámbar
Presentation of the book
Among amber hearts
By Nicolás Estévez Fuertes
Carles Padilla Carmona. Vice-principal for Internationalisation and Cooperation of the UV
Aleksandras Kudaba. Consul of the Republic of Lithuania in Valencia
Arantzazu Ruescas Nicolau. President of the Culture Committee and Vice-dean of the Faculty of Physiotherapy of the UV
Nicolás Estévez Fuertes. Author of the book
Limited capacity
Free bookable entry (COVID passport): https://forms.gle/rNn6iqy5xBKbaYb66
Date 12 january 2022 at 13:30 to 14:30. Wednesday.
Saló de Graus. Facultuat de Fisioteràpia
Cultura als Campus. Vicerectorat de Cultura i Esport UV.
Contact cultura@uv.es