Fernando Zóbel. Las razones de la belleza
Colloquium and screening on the occasion of the publication of the book. La Nave Cultural Center
"Fernando Zóbel. Las razones de la belleza"
With the participation of:
Rocío Garriga Inarejos. Artist, researcher and professor at the BBAA Faculty of the UPV
José María Yturralde. Artist
Josep Lluís Galiana. Musician, writer and book editor
Alfonso de la Torre and Joan Gómez Alemany. Authors of the book
Screening of the short film
"Zóbel-Un tema" (1974).
Free entry, limited capacity
Date 13 december 2024 at 18:30 to 20:00. Friday.
Claustre. Centre Cultural La Nau
Carrer de la Universitat, 2
València (46003)
Aula d’Arts Visuals, Servei de Cultura Universitària UV. Editorial EdictOràlia. Fundación Antonio Pérez.
Contact cultura@uv.es