La regalada
Autumn concerts 2024. Botanical Garden
Autumn concerts 2024.
La regalada
Ricard Casañ, Manuel Arnedo, Guillermo Ferrando, Juan Bautista Abad, Juan Carlos Igea, natural trumpet, Onofre Serer, historical percussion.
Remarks at the concert, by Dr. Onofre Serer.
‘A laor e gloria’
Pieces by C. Monteverdi, G. Fantini and J. H. Schmelzer, among others
Free entry, limited capacity
Date 10 december 2024 at 19:00 to 20:30. Tuesday.
Auditori Joan Plaça. Jardí Botànic
C/ de Quart, 80
València (46008)
Aula de Música, Servei de Cultura Universitària UV.
Contact aulademusica@uv.es