Information duties
The data processing controller of the application of the FGUV courses is the Universitat de València-Estudi General (henceforth the UV). The personal data will be processed to manage the participation in the courses of FGUV: economic-administrative management, issuance of certificates.
The data of the data processing controller are the following:
Office of the Principal
Av. de Blasco Ibáñez, 13
46010 Valencia
NIF: Q-4618001D
Representative of Data Protection: professor Javier Plaza Penadés
FGUV is the responsible of processing the data in accordance with the assignment in its favour conducted by the UV for managing the courses of different services and programmes.
The data of the data processing controller are the following:
Amadeo de Saboya Street, 4
46010 Valencia
NIF: G- 46980207
Representative of Data Protection of the Universitat de València: professor Javier Plaza Penadés
Informatic courses application
User registration in the FGUV course application allows you to have a private area where you can consult and edit your personal data by logging in with a username and password.
Guaranty of the rights of the applicants
Users who provide their personal data have the right to request from the data processing controller access to their personal data, and its rectification or deletion, or the limitation of its processing, or to object to it, as well as the right of data portability.
Interested parties may exercise their rights by sending an email to, or by writing a document accompanied by a copy of an identity document and, if appropriate, supporting documentation of the request, addressed to:
Representative of Data Protection of the Universitat de València
Professor Doctor Javier Plaza Penadés
Office of the Rector
Av. Blasco Ibáñez, 13, Valencia, 46010
Recipient of the data
The following data communications are envisaged:
- To Banco Santander for the process of the corresponding payments.
- To the professors of the courses
Storage of data
Provided personal data will be retained for a year.
In accordance with the applicable regulation, retained personal data will be exclusively available for authorities to determine legal responsibilities and for the prescribed period.
Right to file a complaint to a supervising authority
The competent supervising authority for the wardship of rights regarding the processing is the Spanish Data Protection Agency Jorge Juan Street, 6 (28001) Madrid and web page: