<%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT"%> <% function TestCaptcha(byval valSession, byval valCaptcha) dim tmpSession valSession = Trim(valSession) valCaptcha = Trim(valCaptcha) if (valSession = vbNullString) or (valCaptcha = vbNullString) then TestCaptcha = false else tmpSession = valSession valSession = Trim(Session(valSession)) Session(tmpSession) = vbNullString if valSession = vbNullString then TestCaptcha = false else valCaptcha = Replace(valCaptcha,"i","I") if StrComp(valSession,valCaptcha,1) = 0 then TestCaptcha = true else TestCaptcha = false end if end if end if end function %> CAPTCHA Example
<% if not IsEmpty(Request.Form("btnTest")) then Response.Write("" & vbCrLf) end if %>
Change Image
Write the characters in the image above
") if TestCaptcha("ASPCAPTCHA", Request.Form("captchacode")) then Response.Write("The code you enter verified.") else Response.Write("You entered the wrong code.") end if Response.Write("