//** Featured Content Slider script- © Dynamic Drive DHTML code library (http://www.dynamicdrive.com) //** Last updated: Feb 28th- 07- Added ability to customize pagination links' text ////Ajax related settings var csbustcachevar=0 //bust potential caching of external pages after initial Ajax request? (1=yes, 0=no) var csloadstatustext=" Requesting content..." //HTML to indicate Ajax page is being fetched var csexternalfiles=[] //External .css or .js files to load to style the external content(s), if any. Separate multiple files with comma ie: ["cat.css", dog.js"] ////NO NEED TO EDIT BELOW//////////////////////// var enablepersist=true var slidernodes=new Object() //Object array to store references to each content slider's DIV containers (
) var csloadedobjects="" //Variable to store file names of .js/.css files already loaded (if Ajax is used) function ContentSlider(sliderid, autorun, customPaginateText, customNextText){ var slider=document.getElementById(sliderid) if (typeof customPaginateText!="undefined" && customPaginateText!="") //Custom array of pagination links text defined? slider.paginateText=customPaginateText if (typeof customNextText!="undefined" && customNextText!="") //Custom HTML for "Next" link defined? slider.nextText=customNextText slidernodes[sliderid]=[] //Array to store references to this content slider's DIV containers (
) ContentSlider.loadobjects(csexternalfiles) //Load external .js and .css files, if any var alldivs=slider.getElementsByTagName("div") for (var i=0; i0) //if autorun parameter (int_miliseconds) is defined, fire auto run sequence window[sliderid+"timer"]=setTimeout(function(){ContentSlider.autoturnpage(sliderid, autorun)}, autorun) } ContentSlider.buildpagination=function(sliderid){ var slider=document.getElementById(sliderid) var paginatediv=document.getElementById("paginate-"+sliderid) //reference corresponding pagination DIV for slider var pcontent="" for (var i=0; i'+(slider.paginateText? slider.paginateText[i] : i+1)+' ' pcontent+=''+(slider.nextText || "Siguiente")+'' paginatediv.innerHTML=pcontent paginatediv.onclick=function(){ //cancel auto run sequence (if defined) when user clicks on pagination DIV if (typeof window[sliderid+"timer"]!="undefined") clearTimeout(window[sliderid+"timer"]) } } ContentSlider.turnpage=function(sliderid, thepage){ var paginatelinks=document.getElementById("paginate-"+sliderid).getElementsByTagName("a") //gather pagination links for (var i=0; i