María Jesús García García, Director of the Jean Monnet Chair “Services of General Economic Interest in the framework of social and territorial cohesion” will give an online talk dealing with the "Scope and Evolution of Citizens’ Participation in EU Policy Making" in Bari on the 20th of November, 2024.
María Jesús García García, Professor at the Department of Administrative and Procedural Law and Director of Jean Monnet Chair “Services of General Economic Interest in the framework of social and territorial cohesion” (101047166 - SGEI-EU) will give an online talk dealing with the "Scope and Evolution of Citizens’ Participation in EU Policy Making" at the University of Bari on the 20th of November, 2024, at 10:15 A.M. ). The talk will be dealing with citizens´ participation and participatory and deliberative democracy in the framework of EU democracy.
The talk will take place in the framework of the collaborative activities between The Jean Monnet Module "Communicating UE for participation" (COMEU4PAR-101175902), coordinated by Angela Maria Romito, the Jean Monnet Module "Citizens’ Integration in the EU democracy” (101047164 - CitEUdem) and the Jean Monnet Chair “Services of General Economic Interest in the framework of social and territorial cohesion” (101047166 - SGEI-EU.
The seminar is organized by:
- Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro
- AISDUE (Associazione Italiana Studiosi di Diritto dell’Unione Europea)
- The Jean Monnet Module "Communicating UE for participation" (COMEU4PAR-101175902)
- Jean Monnet Chair “Services of General Economic Interest in the framework of social and territorial cohesion” (101047166 - SGEI-EU)
- Dottorato di Ricerca. Diritti, istituzioni e garanzie nelle società in transizione
- Ciclo di Seminari