The Jean Monnet Module 'Communicating EU for participation' (COMEU4PAR-101175902), which has been made possible by funding from the European Education and Culture Executive Agency, will be offered at UNIBA's Department of Political Science from October 2024 onwards.
The objective of the module, coordinated by Prof. Angela Maria Romito, is to promote knowledge, debate and research on European Union issues with the aim of countering disinformation and encouraging the democratic participation of citizens in the definition of the supranational political agenda.
The three-year project is distinguished by its pronounced trans-European character, which encompasses not only academic experts from Italian universities such as Bari, Salerno and Perugia, but also from esteemed international institutions including the Department of European Studies at St. Kliment Ohridski University in Sofia, the Centre for Europe at the University of Warsaw (CEUW) and the Universitat de València.
The planned teaching activities are designed to cultivate the formation of a transnational public sphere, facilitating a comparative analysis between the students and PhD students of the University of Bari, the project's international partner universities, and Erasmus teachers and students. To foster dialogue between the academic community and civil society, public lectures, thematic seminars, workshops, and conferences will be organised in collaboration with Europe Direct Puglia and the European Documentation Centre of the University of Bari Aldo Moro.