Data: 4 de octubre de 2010


Convocatòria conjunta WOODWISDOM i BIOENERGY

Les xarxes de l'espai europeu de recerca (ERA-NET) WOODWISDOM i BIOENERGY han publicat una convocatòria conjunta de projectes transnacionals sobre el tema:

Sustainable forest management and optimised use of lignocellulosic resources
– Bridging gaps between research disciplines, producers, consumers and society


Espanya participa en aquesta convocatòria mitjançant l'Institut Nacional de Recerca i Tecnologia Agrària i Alimentària (INIA).

Final del termini de presentació de propostes: 1 de desembre de 2010 a les 13.00 h. (CET)


Temes convocats: ATENCIÓ: Cal confirmar amb l'INIA si Espanya participa en els tres temes convocats.

1. Forest for multiple needs of society, including enhanced productivity and optimised use of forest feedstock
Focus areas:
a) Management systems and technologies for efficient and increased feedstock production for bioenergy and in combination with other products, including nutrition compensation (e.g. integrated harvesting for different assortments, early harvests, increasing biomass density, improved long-distance logistics concepts, improving mensuration or quality assurance systems). Projects should minimise environmental impact of operations and facilitate commercialisation of products and services.
b) Innovative concepts and processes for multiple use of forest land and forest-based feedstocks (e.g. wood for energy, building, furniture, pulp and paper, chemistry) and/for increased revenue to forest land owners
c) Innovative concepts, processes and products for the commercialisation of forest ecosystem services, soft values and non-wood forest goods (including consumer expectations)
d) Governance and legislation, democratic and cultural influence on land owner behaviour
e) Handling conflicting interests of land use incl. increased feedstock production for bioenergy and forest industry vs. other needs of society

2. Advanced products and technologies for primary wood processing and manufacturing of wood and fibre-based products
Focus areas:
a) Innovative technologies for primary wood processing (sawing, cutting, slicing), incl. advanced allocation systems for round-wood
b) New generation of composites and materials manufactured from wood and wood fibres, e.g. with positive effects on human health and well-being issues
c) Development of innovative, high added value applications for hardwood (e.g. solutions to use it for building materials)
d) Innovative measurement and control / models / simulation tools: Relationship between raw-material, process and product property demanded by customer, bridge the gap between supply and demand
e) Increase the sustainability of forest products and wood use: new concepts, products and processes optimising the multiple utilisation/ recycling of forest-based resources, incl. life cycle analysis
8 (30)

3. Advanced biofuels and biorefineries
Focus areas:
a) Advanced technologies for the physical/chemical pre-treatment/ fractionation of biomass feedstocks into components (e.g. cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, proteins) suitable for downstream processing, thereby enhancing process efficiency and performance of advanced biofuel production.
b) Strategies/technologies to upgrade residues, in order to increase the portfolio of outputs and improve the economic viability of the modern biorefinery concept, esp. with regard to energy output (example: improve on suboptimal concepts for residue use, such as waste glycerol in a biodiesel factory simply being burnt in a boiler).
c) Lignin/protein upgrading to higher-value products or components (e.g. use as platform chemicals instead of combustion for heat and power).
d) Optimised separation techniques for biomass mixtures as a source for advanced biofuels and bio-products.
e) Small-scale biorefinery concepts for lignocellulose-based feedstock.


Consorcis: un mínim de 3 socis d'almenys tres països distints, pertanyents a la convocatòria: Finlàndia, França, Alemanya, Irlanda, Itàlia, Letònia, Noruega, Polònia, Eslovènia, Espanya, Suècia, Turquia i Regne Unit. Els consorcis han de combinar recerca bàsica i/o aplicada, i/o recerca industrial i desenvolupament, preferiblement combinacions de col·laboració transdisciplinària i interdisciplinària, i participació de grups involucrats que omplin els buits entre les disciplines de recerca, els productors i els consumidors.


Pressupost de la convocatòria: aprox. 18.500.000 euros


Durada dels projectes: els projectes es finançaran per a un màxim de 3 anys, amb inici en octubre de 2011 o gener de 2012.


Contacte Nacional: Institut Nacional de Recerca i Tecnologia Agrària i Alimentària (INIA). Joan Calvera i Vehí,, 91-3476801.

Tota la informació i presentació de sol·licituds en línia: (hi inclou una eina de cerca de socis)

Informació a la UVEG: Angeles Sanchis, ext. 51276,


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OPER Universitat de València - Carrer Menéndez y Pelayo, 3 Telf. 96-3983621

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