EURORECERCA NÚM 600 Data: 28 de octubre de 2010


Taller sobre xarxes socials i programes d'R+I de la UE

El Grup de Xarxes Socials de la Unió Europea, de la Direcció General de Societat de la Informació de la Comissió Europea, celebrarà el proper 26 de novembre a Brussel·les un taller anomenat EU Social Networks and EU R&I Programmes. Reproduïm més avall la crida per a participar-hi i enviar presentacions.


The group of EU Social Networks, with the support of the European Commission, cordially invites you to the 26th November workshop on "EU Social Networks and EU R&I Programmes" to be held in Brussels, Av. Beaulieu 25 (metro Beaulieu) from 10:00 to 17:15.

This group has decided to organise itself to respond to the challenge of being more involved into future research and innovation activities. We expect this to bring more dynamism into the R&I as these new stakeholders would represent a very active community of users and forerunners of innovative usages of the Internet.

Public presentation of the "Group of EU Social Networks"

This event will be the public presentation of the newly created "Group of EU Social Networks" to present themselves publicly to the EU R&I constituency.

This workshop contributes to the Digital Agenda for Europe by broadening the potential stakeholders groups in EU R&I activities, and particularly on "Open Platforms for New Web-based Applications and services" and Future Internet related actions.

This workshop presents a unique opportunity to match Research demand, represented by the innovative online Social networks, and Research Supply, represented by the research organisations and ICT industry that traditionally participate in EU R&I programmes.

Draft agenda

The workshop will be structured on four main blocks: a first block where several European Commission services will present EU R&I programmes and calls for proposals; a second block where the "Group of EU Social Networks" will introduce the newly created group, followed by individual presentations from each Social Network (see below the list of Social networks); a third block where our current constituency of ICT industry and research organisations will introduce themselves and their interest on concrete research areas related to Social Networks; finally the four block will allow a free interchange of ideas between all the stakeholders present at the workshop.

How to make a presentation at the workshop

The third block of the workshop will be opened to any relevant research organisation or ICT industry to present a maximum of 3 slides to introduce themselves and concrete research challenges related to Social Networks. Please, send your contribution before 20 November to

How to attend

This workshop is free to attend. Be aware, that no reimbursement of travel or accommodation expenses is foreseen for this workshop. If you want to register, please, send an email before 22 November to with this data:

– Family Name
– First name
– Company
– Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy)
– Complete ID number

We look forward to meeting you in Brussels on 26 November 2010.

With kind regards,

Isidro Laso Ballesteros
Scientific Officer - Networked Media Systems Unit.
D.G. Information Society and Media. European Commission.


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OPER Universitat de València - Carrer Menéndez y Pelayo, 3 Telf. 96-3983621

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