Order Nassellaria

Family Artostrobiidae

Botryostrobus aquilonaris (Bailey) (Figure 15.164) [=Lithocampe aquilonaris]. Very thick-walled, spindle-shaped skeleton with 6 poorly defined joints, of which the fourth is the broadest. Poreless peristome usually present. Shell height: 100-150 µm. Ref: Nigrini and Moore (1979).
Botryostrobus auritus/australis (Ehrenberg) (Figure 3J; 15.168). [=Lithostrobus seriatus]. Multisegmented cylindrical shell of variable wall-thickness. Cephalis subspherical, apical tube and apical spine usually visible. Thorax and post-thoracic segments inflated, separated by conspicuous strictures, with three-five transverse rows of pores. Shell height: 110-200 µm. Ref: Boltovskoy and Vrba (1989).
Phormostichoartus corbula (Harting) (Figure 15.163) [=Lithocampe multiseriata, Siphocampe corbula]. Four-segmented shells. Cephalis and thorax fused, thick-walled. Abdomen short, cylindrical. Last segment usually three-four times longer than previous, both with circular pores arranged regularly in transverse rows. Shell height: 130-170 µm. Ref: Nigrini and Moore (1979).
Siphocampe arachnea (Ehrenberg) (Figure 15.167) [=Lithomitra arachnea]. Cylindrical shell with three-eight joints, with four transverse rows of small, circular pores on the thorax and one on each subsequent segment. Surface covered with a typical net of irregular longitudinal and transverse ridges. Shell height: ca. 60-90 µm. Ref: Petrushevskaya (1967).
Siphocampe lineata (Ehrenberg) (Figure 15.169) [=Lithomitra lineata, Lithomitra nodosaria, Siphocampe nodosaria]. Very similar to S. arachnea, except that surface ornamentation is restricted to longitudinal, sinuous ridges. Shell height: ca. 80-110 µm. Ref: Petrushevskaya (1967).
Spirocyrtis scalaris Haeckel group? (Figure 15.166) [=Spyrocyrtis scalaris/cornutella]. Thin-walled shell composed of up to 8 joints with a typically angular outline increasing step-wise in width toward the base. Pores on post-thoracic segments quadrangular, arranged in very regular transverse rows. Shell height: 100-200 µm. Ref: Nigrini (1967), Petrushevskaya (1971a).
Tricolocampe cylindrica Haeckel (Figure 15.165) [=Siphocampium cylindrica]. Cephalis and thorax fused, separated from rest of shell by a conspicuous lumbar constriction. Abdomen and postabdominal section cylindrical to spindle-shaped, without external constrictions, with several very regularly arranged transverse rows of small, circular pores. Shell height: ca. 90 µm. Ref: Benson (1966), Pterushevskaya (1971a).