Palaeontologia Electronica
Call for Papers

The first electronic palaeontological journal - Palaeontologia Electronica - is now accepting papers for volume 1. Palaeontologia Electronica is an internationally-sponsored, peer-reviewed general palaeontological journal of the widest possible scope. Technical contributions in the form of papers, editorials, book reviews, announcements, etc. from any branch of palaeontology (e.g., micropalaeontology, palynology, invertebrate palaeontology, palaeobotany, vertebrate palaeontology) or related biological discipline and on any topic will be welcome within its pages. These contributions will come from members of the professional palaeontological and biological communities in the same way that contributions to standard print-based palaeontological journals are authored and submitted. All technical papers will be reviewed by professional palaeontologists and biologists (using advice from an international panel of Associate Editors), edited to be accessible to non-specialists, and published as html documents accessible to all with Internet connections via the World Wide Web (WWW). The publication of descriptive taxonomic papers - especially those having to do with the naming of species and higher taxa - will not be encouraged in Palaeontologia Electronica at the present time because the current codes of zoological and botanical nomenclature do not recognize electronic publications (though we expect this situation to change in the foreseeable future). All other types of formal palaeontological and biological papers will be considered.
Unlike traditional print-based journals, Palaeontologia Electronica will be highly graphical in both format and content. Authors will be encouraged to make use of colour in their figures and tables and to include high-resolution digital images as illustrations. Moreover, Palaeontologia Electronica will encourage active experimentation with animation, 2D and 3D modelling of morphologies, on-line access to databases, and the creation of on-line data analysis tools. There will be NO PAGE LIMIT and NO PAGE CHARGES for articles published in Palaeontologia Electronica, although all articles will be edited to optimize their information content. This freedom from normal print-publishing overheads is made possible because of the unique advantages of the digital format and because there will be no analogues of the paper, typesetting, and distribution costs. Each volume of Palaeontologia Electronica will also be available free-of-charge via the WWW for one publishing year. After this time, archive copies will be available to individuals and institutions on CD-ROM from the Paleontological Society and the Palaeontological Association.
Authors wishing to submit manuscripts for review may consult the WWW addresses listed below for Author Guidelines. We would prefer that manuscripts be submitted to either of the Executive Editors as electronic word processor documents (MS-Word or WordPerfect for Macintosh or Windows platforms preferred), with figures submitted in GIF, TIFF, JPEG, or EPS graphics formats (minimum resolution for review: 200 dpi). Tables may be submitted as tab-delimited text files, or as MS-Excel worksheets (both Macintosh or Windows versions accepted). If you cannot match these formats please contact the editors for alternatives. Hard-copy manuscripts will be accepted for review, but will require additional time to process. [Note: if you need to submit a hard-copy manuscript please contact one of the executive editors prior to the actual submission]. Manuscript files may be sent as compressed archives on 3.5" floppy disks to the Executive Editor's surface mail addresses, as e-mail attachments (by prior arrangement with the editor) or deposited in a public ftp site (by prior arrangement with the editor).
Additional information about Palaeontologia Electronica and Author Guidelines are available from North American and UK/Europe WWW addresses.

The sponsors of Palaeontologia Electronica are:

Paleontological Society*
Palaeontological Association*
Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research
Sociedad Española de Paleontología
British Micropalaeontological Society
Canadian Association of Palynologists

* Designates Tier 1 sponsors; remainder constitute Tier 2 sponsors. See Sponsorship page for information on becoming a Palaeontologia Electronica sponsor.
Norman MacLeod (Palaeontologia Electronica Executive Editor) Department of Palaeontology
The Natural History Museum
Cromwell Road
London SW7 5BD
(0171) 938-9006 (Office)
(0171) 938-9277 (Fax) (E-mail)

R. Timothy Patterson (Palaeontologia Electronica Executive Editor) Ottawa-Carleton Geoscience Centre and Department of Earth Sciences Carleton University
Ottawa, Ontario K1S 5B6
(613) 520-2600 (ext. 4425) (Office)
(613) 520-4490 (Fax) (E-mail)


Copyright: Coquina Press, January 1998