1. Lewis structure of H2O

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The water molecule has an angular structure. It is easy to see why water takes this structure and not a linear one. The Lewis structure of the water molecule gives information about the molecular geometry (the shape of the molecule).

Read each of the following questions, select the answers that you think are correct. To do this you must press buttons and links (in blue).


1. How many valence electrons (those from the upper level) has the water molecule?

Correct. O: 6; H: 1. Total 8 electrons

2. How many links can be created using the unpaired electrons?

Wrong. Oxygen has two unpaired electrons and can create two bonds.

Correct. Oxygen has two unpaired electrons and can form two bonds to complete the octet.

3. Can you suggest the geometry of the molecule?Structures

Wrong. This molecule is of type AE2X2 and can not be linear.
Correct This molecule is of the type AE2X2. The two unshared electron pairs on oxygen require additional space and force the OH bonds to adopt the angular geometry

4. Are there polar bonds in this molecule? Electronegativities y Polarity

Wrong. Notes electronegativity values. H-O bonds are polar.
Correct Oxygen is more electronegative than hydrogen and H-O bonds are polar Dipoles

8. What orbitals uses the central atom?Orbitals

Wrong. "sp" hybridization involves only two positions around      the central atom.
Wrong. "sp2" hybridization involves only three positions around      the central atom.
Correct The four sp3 orbitals     are hosting two unshared electron pairs and the two bonding pairs (shared). sp3 orbitals