Manuscript submission rules

Manuscripts for publication in the Conference Proceedings can be submitted up to the deadline of 15th September 2007. The Conference Proceedings will be distributed among the participants during the conference. Texts must comply exactly with the following edition rules. Manuscripts that arrive after this deadline or that do not comply with these edition rules will be excluded from publication in the book.

Manuscripts must be sent in digital format, in one file only, in Microsoft Word, and must be under the author’s surname(s), without spaces. Example: ArenasDolz.doc. Additionally, authors must send another file with a brief summary of their CV (100 words maximum), in the language of the publication. This must be under the author’s surname(s), without spaces, and the letters “CV”. Example: ArenasDolzCV.doc

General characteristics of the manuscripts

1. Languages: Spanish, Valencian, German, English, French and Italian.

2. Length: 10 pages (including title, summary, abstract, main text, notes and bibliography).

3. Page numbers: pages will not be numbered.

4. Page size: default Word margins (top and bottom, 2.5 cm; left and right, 3 cm).<0}

5. Font, alignment, and line space: Times New Roman, justified, 1.5 lines.

a) Title and subtitle (maximum: 80 characters): 14 pt, bold (title); 12 pt and bold (subtitle)

b) Name of the author or authors: 12pt.

c) Author’s institution: 12 pt and italics.

d) “Summary” title: 10 pt, bold, and italics.

e) Summary text (100 words maximum): 10 pt.

f) “Keywords” title: 10 pt, bold, and italic.

g) Keywords (4 maximum): 10pt.

h) Abstract title (in English): 10 pt, bold, and italics.

i) Abstract text (in English, 100 words maximum): 10 pt.

j) Keywords (in English, 4 maximum): 10pt.

k) Text: 12 pt.

l) Footnotes: 10pt.

After the summary and the keywords, in the language of the communication, the author will present its Abstract and Keywords in English. If the communication has been written in English, it will be necessary to present only the Abstract and Keywords in English (100 words maximum).

6. The use of tables, graphics and/or diagrams should be avoided.

7. The use of bold, underlining, and uppercase formats inside the text should be avoided. To emphasise a term, italics should be used.

8. The use of italics should be restricted to book titles, names of journals or magazines, foreign terms, and special emphasis (see point 7.)

9. Sections and subsections should be numbered with Arabic numerals followed by a dot, with a space between the number and the text. The use of uppercase, bold, and/or italics to distinguish sections and subsections should be avoided.


1. This is a section paragraph.

1.1. This is a subsection paragraph.

1.1.1. This is a subsection paragraph of the next level.

10. Punctuation: this will be treated as usual, leaving only one space after every coma, colon, semi-colon, full stop or full stop preceding a new paragraph. Abbreviations will be followed by one dot, followed by a full stop if ending a sentence. When using dashes in a paragraph, the second dash, if occurring at the end of a sentence is replaced by the full stop. Example: I know –answered she–. There should be no full stop after the title of the communication or at the end of section or subsection titles. Also, there is no full stop after the question mark or exclamation marks, as they already include a dot. After a colon, the first letter is lowercase. An ellipsis consists of three points, or four at the end of the sentence.

11. The text must be written continuously, without double spaces, tabs, page breaks, or other systems for manual layout. There will be no tabs at the beginning of paragraphs to simulate indentations, or multiple manual line breaks (enter keystrokes) between paragraphs to increase separation between them.

12. Quotation marks: Different languages have their own types of quotation marks, which authors may use in accordance with the language the communication is written in, if considered appropriate. In Spanish there are three types of quotation marks: Spanish quotation marks (« »), double quotation marks (“ ”) and single quotation marks (‘ ’). As a general rule, texts written in Spanish will use Spanish quotation marks. If an additional citation appears inside the text already in quotation marks, other quotation marks may be used. Spanish quotation marks are used to present a literary citation; double quotation marks to refer to the expression of an author; simple quotation marks to present the meaning of a word.

13. Abbreviations in Spanish:

Chapter.................. cap.

Column................... col.

Compare................. cfr.

Ibidem……ib. (in italics)

Idem…… (in italics)


Book....................... lib.

Line......................... lín.

Note......................... n.

Number(s)............... nº

Op.cit……o.c. (in italics)

Page(s)..................... p.

Tome........................ t.

See........................... v.

Volume................... vol.

14. Abbreviations in other languages: For communications written inlanguages other than Spanish, the authors can use the most common abbreviations for the language their communication is written in.

15. Terms in other languages: Terms appearing in other languages different to that of the communication should appear in italics. Terms in other alphabets different from Latin should be transcribed.

16. Short quotations (under three lines) should go in Roman type, in quotation marks, in the main body of the text. Long quotations (more than three lines) will be printed in Roman type, 10pt, separated from the main text. If there is an elision inside the citation, it should be indicated with three dots in square brackets [...].

17. Footnotes should be numbered sequentially throughout the document, and should be used mainly to provide bibliographic references. The use of footnotes to provide explanatory digressions should be avoided as much as possible. The footnote reference mark will appear in the text in Arabic numbers, in superscript, and always after the punctuation mark that follows the word introducing the footnote.

18. Bibliographic references will be included in footnotes. Thus, authors should refrain from offering a bibliography list at the end of the text.

General bibliographic references

The names of the authors appearing in footnotes will be formatted in small capitals, starting with the surname(s) and followed by the name or initial (example: Pérez Martínez, P.).

In bibliographic references, the city of the publishing house should always be translated to the language of the communication.


Surnames, Name or Initial, Title, Translator (trad.),Publishing House, City Year,page(s).

Example: Vattimo, G., El sujeto y la máscara. Nietzsche y el problema de la liberación, J. Binagui (trad. esp.), Península, Barcelona 1989, 71.

The number of the edition of the publication will be included after the publication year, in superscript format: 19973.

Journal articles:

Surnames, Name or Initial,«Article title», Journal nº (year) page(s).

Example: Conill, J., «La actual contribución de Nietzsche a la racionalidad hermenéutica y política», Estudios Filosóficos 119 (1993) 37-62.

Article published within a book or book chapter:

Surnames, Name or Initial, «Article Title», in Name and Surname of the editor.Title, Publishing House, City Year, page(s).

Example: Grondin, J., «Vattimo’s Latinization of Hermeneutics: Why Did Gadamer Resist Postmodernism?», in S. Zabala (ed.), Weakening Philosophy. Essays in honour of Gianni Vattimo, McGill University Press, Montreal 2006, 203-216.

Quotes of Nietzsche’s texts

1. References from quotes of his works in German and Nietzsche’s collected letters will not be indicated in a footnote, but inserted in the text, between brackets, as indicated in paragraph b.2 and in the following way: Complete works edition, work or fragment or letter, number of the volume of the complete works, page number.


a) (KSA, GT, 1, 46)

b) (KSA, Sommer 1886-Herbst 1887 5 [68], 12, 210).

c) (KGB, An Franz Overbeck in Basel 12 Fevr. 87, iii 5, 19)

2. Acronyms and abbreviations of the works in German:

a) Critical edition of the full works and collected letters of Nietzsche (G. Colli y M. Montinari, Berlín/Nueva York 1967-ss. y 1980):

KGW Kritische Gesamtausgabe, Werke

KGB Kritische Gesamtausgabe, Briefe

KSA Kritische Studienausgabe, Werke

KSB Kritische Studienausgabe, Briefe

b) Historical-critical edition of the full works and collected letters of Nietzsche (Munich, 1933 and following):

HKGW Historisch-Kritische Gesamtausgabe, Werke

HKGB Historisch-Kritische Gesamtausgabe, Briefe

c) Acronyms of the works:

AC - Der Antichrist; BA - Über die Zukunft unserer Bildungsanstalten; CV - Fünf Vorreden zu fünf ungeschriebenen Büchern: PW – Ueber das Pathos der Wahrheit; GZA – Gedanken über die Zukunft unserer Bildungsanstalten; GS – Der griechische Staat; VSPC – Das Verhältnis der Schopenhauerschen Philosophie zu einer deutschen Cultur; HW – Homer´s Wettkampf; DD - Dionysos-Dithyramben; DS - David Strauss, der Bekenner und der Schriftsteller (Unzeitgemäße Betrachtungen 1); DW - Die dionysische Weltanschauung; EH - Ecce homo; FW - Die fröhliche Wissenschaft; GD - Götzen-Dämmerung; GG - Die Geburt des tragischen Gedankens; GM - Zur Genealogie der Moral; GMD - Das griechische Musikdrama; GT - Die Geburt der Tragödie; HL - Vom Nutzen und Nachteil der Historie für das Leben (Unzeitgemäße Betrachtungen 2); IM - Idyllen aus Messina; JGB - Jenseits von Gut und Böse; M - Morgenröthe; MA - Menschliches, Allzumenschliches (I und II); NF - Nachgelassene Fragmente; MD - Mahnruf an die Deutschen; NH - Ein Neujahrswort an den Herausgeber der Wochenschrift Im neuen Reich; NW - Nietzsche contra Wagner; PHG - Die Philosophie im tragischen Zeitalter der Griechen; SE - Schopenhauer als Erzieher (Unzeitgemäße Betrachtungen 3); SGT - Sokrates und die griechische Tragödie; ST - Sokrates und die Tragödie; VM - Vermischte Meinungen und Sprüche; WA - Der Fall Wagner; WB - Richard Wagner in Bayreuth (Unzeitgemäße Betrachtungen 4); WL - Über Wahrheit und Lüge im aussermoralischen Sinne; WS – Der Wanderer und sein Schatten; WzM - Wille zur Macht; Za - Also sprach Zarathustra.

3. For the quotations of Nietzsche’s works in the Spanish translation (trad. esp.), English translation (Engl. transl.), French translation ( or Italian Translation (trad. it.), see general bibliography rules (paragraph a). The first time the quote from a translation of Nietzsche’s work appears, a footnote will be included with the full reference to that translation:

- F. Nietzsche, La genealogía de la moral. Un escrito polémico, A. Sánchez Pascual (trad. esp.), Alianza, Madrid 1972, 17.

The following occasions, references will be included in a footnote, containing the name of the author, the title of the work (in italics) and the respective page number:

- F. Nietzsche, La genealogía de la moral, 17.

If the author desires to indicate both references, the work in its original version and its translation to one of the languages of the Conference, the quote will be included in the body of the text, in brackets, in the following way (KSA, GM 1, 46 [trad. esp. 17]), indicating the full reference in a footnote, if it is the first time that this translation is quoted.