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Modules .sep

Here you can find Synthedit modules developed by people of Elogoxa Team, by themselves or in collaboration with other people.

Module Name Version Author Release Date
U-xRandom New!! 1.5 Unkargherth Aug 04, 2004

Last Update:

  • Multiple optimizations respect to U-Random 1.4.
  • Added Mixed Mode.
  • Changed Random Generator.

This Module is an upgrade of my old U-Random module. It does all that the old one did, but it does it better and also adds a new working mode.

UD-Reverb (mirror) New!! 1.34 Unkargherth /  Dhaupt June 2, 2004

UD-Reverb is a joint effort between who writes, Unkargherth, and David Haupt. In no way it should be viewed as an Unkargherth/Elogoxa Team-only work. It is published here, but the copyright and credits are shared between Unkargherth and David Haupt.

Last update: Fix a bug that caused crash with multiple instances.

U-Smooth 0.7 Unkargherth  Jan 17, 2003
A Signal Smoother Module .
  • Ever wanted to use a Pulse Osc Signal to control something, and found that the high-low transitions were killing the sound?
  • Ever wanted to use the U-Random, and found that it changes too fast for your idea?
  • Ever asked yourself why the controls output change is so rough?

If the answer was "yes" for anyone of the above questions, U-Smooth can help you. It takes the input and softly smooth it from one value to the next, with a controlable smooth time.

Built on SE 0.94.

Biquad Pack 0.9 Unkargherth Jan 05, 2003
A Pack of Biquad Filters that Include:
  • A Low Shelf Biquad Filter
  • A High Shelf Biquad Filter
  • A Band Pass Biquad Filter with 3 Modes
  • A Multimode Biquad Filter width 10 filter modes
  • A ParamEQ Unit with 3 (+2 Shelves) Bands
  • Built on SE 0.93/0.94.
    U-Vowel 0.71 Unkargherth Jan 04, 2003
    A Formant filter that outputs "Voweled" sounds. Built on SE 0.93.
    U-fDelay  0.6 Unkargherth Dec 27, 2002
    A standard Delay Module with a LP filter in the feedback chain. Built on SE 0.91.
    U-MathEv 0.3 Unkargherth Dec 06, 2002
    A Math expresion Evaluator

    This Is and avanced Expression Evaluator. Althought is not as optimized as Waveshapper2, it seems perfectly
    capable of doing some param conversion routines

    It has three main Advantages over Waveshapper2
    1.- The expresion can be typed in textbox
    2.- it has no limitation for input range
    3.- You can use up to 4 input vars in expression ( named x,y,z and t)

    It covers the same range of math functions as Waveshapper2. Last it can ouput results in two modes
    Math Mode: As you know. nothing Special SE Mode: It divides thresults by 10, useful to plug it to some other Display modules ( as Scope Or Voltmeter)

    Built For SE 0.88 .

    NOTE: You'll need Winzip 8.0 or WinRAR 3.0 to decompress the files. Download WinRAR here.