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SCE - SCreen Editor

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SCE - Introduction

"Sce" (and its executable component "screun") is a simple, terminal-only, text-editor for all variants of Unix (Linux included).

The speed, minimal memory footprint, simplicity of use, and intuitive interface makes "sce" suitable to use in 99% of every day tasks, from admin ones or simple on-the-run programming.

To "sce" user can use classic emacs-style Ctrl+X editing commands, but sce is designed to work one-handed: all commands are keyboard keys (or sequences of them). This is achieved by taking advantage of the always forgotten F1-F8 keys (when available, "sce" can work without them).

This is an screenshot of a running "sce" session. Note the last line, with the F1-F4 and F5-F8 key labels.




  • Intuitive and one-handed interface.
  • Very fast.
  • Reads all file in memory (fast after entry, but warn when reading very big files).
  • UTF-8 support (from 6.00 and ahead version).
  • Doesn't like tabs (treated as special characters, there is an entry option "-t" to expand them).
  • Find, Repeat Find. Replace Next/In Block/In All file.
  • Go to line/begin/end commands.
  • Autoindent (switchable on entry or after).
  • Copy/Move/Delete text block; Read and Save text block from/to file commands.
  • Read-only mode (on entry with "-r" or activable forth and back by commands).
  • Column delete, and empty column insert commands (very useful to manage source indentation).
  • Unlimited number of lines and unlimited line length (the limit is the available memory).

Supported Terminals

SCE does not includes Curses, and is designed to work ONLY with:

  • HP-TERM0 terminals (all HP terminals and hpterm Xwindows client).
  • aixterm terminals (aixterm IBM-AIX Xwindows client) .
  • xterm terminals (xterm X11windows client. A small keyboard redefinition can be convenient, see the INSTALL file in src directory)
  • dtterm terminals (dtterm HP-UX Xwindows client)
  • Putty, Kconsole, MacOSX Termimal, gnome-terminal, ... Due to standarization of Xterm, sce is know to also work with these and many other terminal emulators.

When feasible, "sce" takes profit from features exclusives to these terminals.

Also, for compatibilty, SCE suports:

  • vt100 terminals (and similars, such as vt102, vt220, xterm vt100 mode, etc...). Note that vt100 mode is not the prefferred mode for SCE, mainly because the editor is less friendly in this mode due to the lack of function keys. Anyway, even in this mode, "sce" still maintains the one-hand useability.

Supported platforms

"Sce" has been compiled and tested on the following platforms:

  • Linux, all variants.
  • AIX.
  • MacOSX.
  • SunOS

When possible, binary versions of the program are available from the FTP download.


User manual

Due to the intuitive design of the "sce" interface a manual is seldom needed.

Lack of time has precluded the translation of the original spanish Sce documentation (PDF format) - note that the manual corresponds to the 1990 version of sce. Actual versions doesn't have line limitations.

Update history

"Sce" is a very old project that dates back from 1987 (thirty years!). Its original intend was to replace vi, mainly for users who don't want to learn the subtilities of the visual editor (or cordially hate it).

Also, sorry, the update history is only available in spanish.


"Sce" license is GNU. GPLv3; except for the UTF-8 decoder that is Copyright © by Bjoern Hoehrmann

Keyboard Help

All usual keyboard editing keys work with "sce".

Besides these, there are emacs-style "Ctrl-X" sequences defined (press "Ctrl-G" to see them anytime):

   Defined Controls: 

    CTRL-A Begin of line       CTRL-O Insert Line
    CTRL-B Left (Backward)     CTRL-P Up (Previous)
    CTRL-C Ascii(3 next chars) CTRL-Q  -
    CTRL-D Delete Char         CTRL-R Previous Page
    CTRL-E End of line         CTRL-S  -
    CTRL-F Right (Forward)     CTRL-T + CTRL-T ABANDON
    CTRL-G This Help           CTRL-U Delete Line
    CTRL-H Delete left char    CTRL-V Next Page
    CTRL-I Tab (8 positions)   CTRL-W Scroll Down
    CTRL-J Return              CTRL-X Insert ON/OFF
    CTRL-K Delete to End Line  CTRL-Y Next MenuLine
    CTRL-L Refresh Page        CTRL-Z Scroll Up
    CTRL-M Return
    CTRL-N Down (Next)         ESC + ESC Save+Quit

Note the extremely useful ESC+ESC sequence.

By the way, remember also Ctrl-T,Ctrl-T. With this two sequences you are done with most "sce" useability.

Other not-so-evident keys (doesn't work in some terminals):

    CTRL-Up        Scrolls screen up 1 line
    CTRL-Down      Scrolls screen down 1 line
    CTRL-PrevPag   Begin file
    CTRL-NextPag   End file

Vt100 Mode

For terminals where the "F1-F8" keys are not available, "sce" can work using only the numeric ("app") keypad. This is also a very useful and fast-typing mode.

When activated ("-a" ansi option) the numeric-app-keypad is mapped to replace "F1-F8" keys as follows (press "Ctrl-G" anytime to see this help, another "Ctl-G" gives you the previous help menu):

   Each item in MenuLine corresponds to 
   application keypad (numeric keypad) keys:

      App7 App8 App9  ## App4 App6 ## App1 App2 App3

   When NO MENU is selected (default) the keypad is:

          / |  Begin | ^      |Previous|
         /  |  Line  | | (up) |  Page  |
  |7 8 9|   |  <--   |  Next  |  -->   |
  |4 5 6|   | (Left) |MenuLine| (Right)|
  |1 2 3|   +--------+--------+--------+
  | 0  .|   |  End   | |(down)|  Next  |
            |  Line  | v      |  Page  |
         \  +--------+--------+--------+
          \ |  Insert Mode    | Delete |
           \|     ON/OFF      |  Char  |

Downloads, HTTP site

You can download all versions of sce at the

HTTPS sce site

(The FTP site has been taken down)


© Hector Rulot, Universitat de Valencia. email Hector Rulot at UV Mod: 21 octubre 2023 00:02  wiki docs execution trace Edit