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Santander X Tomorrow Challenge

Un repte global per a persones emprenedores, que reconeix les millors idees que busquen solucionar els problemes post COVID-19 en la societat.

  • Dirigida a: Persones emprenedores i startups
    Que visquen en: Alemanya, Argentina, Brasil, Xile, Espanya, EUA, Mèxic, Uruguay, Polònia, Portugal, RU, Perú, Puerto Rico, Colòmbia
    Dotació econòmica: 1.000.000 €
    Termini: Obert fins al 02/07/2020



  • Tenir almenys un producte i/o servei en el mercat
  • Haver desenvolupat un prototip o simulació del producte o servei final



  • Re-skill: com es poden desenvolupar noves habilitats per a ser un professional més competitiu en l'escenari post COVID-19. Premi de 20.000 € per a les cinc startups seleccionades

  • Re-work: com es pot reduir la desocupació, o com es pot fomentar l'auto-ocupació. Premi de 20.000 €

  • Re-invent: com adaptar els models de negoci a la nova situació post pandèmia. Premi de 20.000 €

  • Re-launch: com poden els negocis omplir les noves necessitats del mercat. Premi de 20.000 €


Més informació

Santander X Tomorrow Challenge



  • Bases convocatòria: UCLA WX Call Guidelines
  • Premi:

    Number of scholarships offered: 30

    What does the scholarship include? Accommodation, Tuition fees, Courses & Most Meals

    Term of scholarship: 5 months (March 24 – July 13, 2020)

    Destination country: United States of America

  • Sobre la convocatòria:

    Entrepreneurship is hard work. After the excitement of ideation and creation comes the challenging work of financing and marketing your venture, and growing your business. Designed for female entrepreneurs in various stages of the entrepreneurial process, the Banco Santander WX Program, in partnership with the UCLA Anderson School of Management, equips founders and owners of growing businesses with the leadership and business training required to successfully scale their ventures

    Using a blended learning format in three modules, the Santander WX Program better prepares female entrepreneurs to achieve long-term success by applying the fundamental concepts of business, strategy, and leadership.


    • Gain a firm understanding of leadership and business topics designed to help you grow your business
    • Tackle and apply current approaches to business planning, strategy, growth and innovation to your venture
    • Take away a firm understanding of foundational business concepts such as Finance, Accounting, Marketing and Leadership
    • Participate in a Virtual Accelerator with unique and personalized support from a Business Coach and create an Individual Action Plan for your strategic growth
    • Join a developmental community of like-minded female entrepreneurs to share ideas, successes, and challenges


    Business Planning

    • Finance & Accounting
    • Innovation & Phases of Business Growth
    • Understanding & Executing Strategy
    • Marketing
    • Leadership Styles and Skills