Obert el termini de la convocatòria UVemprén StartUP espais
Es publica la convocatòria del programa UVemprén StartUP Espais, l'objecte del qual és establir el procediment per a...
The new advice centre “Fábrica de ideas AgrotecUV Innova” is now open
Do you have an innovative business idea related to agro-food, but you do not know how to develop it? Do you like this field but you do...
Registration is now open for the entrepreneurship courses of Uvemprén-Open Academy
Uvemprén Campus is a training programme focused on training students and those who have already completed their degrees...
00:00 - 08:15
The submission period to participate in EmprenD en servicios with €1.000 in prizes, is now open
The Office of the Vice-Principal for Innovation and Transfer announces 30 places to...
The Office of the Vice-Principal for Innovation and Transfer announces 30 places to...
Participate in the MOTIVEMFest to represent the UV
MOTIVEMFest is a programme sponsored by the Department of Innovation, Industry, Commerce and Tourism of the...