10:00 - 13:00
Are you a student of the Faculty of Economics interested in entrepreneurship? 26 September...
Obert el termini de la convocatòria UVemprén StartUP espais
Es publica la convocatòria del programa UVemprén StartUP Espais, l'objecte del qual és establir el procediment per a...
Registration is now open for the entrepreneurship courses of Uvemprén-Open Academy
Uvemprén Campus is a training programme focused on training students and those who have already completed their degrees...
20 scholarships of € 1,100 for the University Expert in Start-up Management degree
The submission period is now open to apply for one of 20 scholarships of € 1,100 offered by the Universitat de València...
EmprenD has published the dates for the its September meetings
Registration is now open for the EmprenD meeting at your centre. This programme is for students who have participated in an...
3rd AgrotecUV call for proposals is now open
AgrotecUV, the High Technology Incubator in Sustainable Agri-Food promoted by the University of Valencia and the Fundació...