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The Employment Forums of the Universitat de València begin with 8 fairs and 17 faculties and centres

  • UV General Foundation
  • October 7th, 2024
STEM Forum 2024. Archive photo.
STEM Forum 2024. Archive photo.

The Employment Forums of the Universitat de València begin now in October in the Faculty of Economics and they will extend throughout this academic year 2024-25 until April. 8 employment fairs will take place and they will encompass all areas from university knowledge, they will count with the participation of 17 faculties and centres of the Blasco Ibáñez, Tarongers and Burjassot-Paterna Campus.

With the purpose of encouraging high-quality employment and offer a unique opportunity for the students and the graduates of the Universitat de València that are looking for a professional possibilities to talk face to face with the companies, the Forum is an event where, through talks, workshops and panel discussions, all companies and entities make public their organizations and inform about the type of profile that are demanded in the labour market.

These forums, promoted by the Vice-Principal for Lifelong Learning, Educational Transformation and Employment through the UVocupació, are spaces that, in collaboration with the different university centres, answer to an specialized organization for the professional sectors hosting the companies and entities of teaching, education, scientific research and technique, health, law, legal-administrative, technological, sport medicine, communication, etc. which will attend the UV looking for university talent.

Last academic year, the forums of the Universitat de València took the interest of 362 business organizations and social, public and private entities, celebrating in 10 faculties and schools with an offer of 306 workplaces and increasing the job opportunities a 12%.

This year, it is predicted a similar reception that will begin in the Faculty of Economics on 17 October. After this one, other faculties will follow it Pharmacy and Food Science on 4 October and Education and Social Sciences on 22 October.

On the second semester it will take place in the next faculties Faculty of Sports Science and Physical Education on 28 January; in Faculty of Law on 12 and 13 February; in Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry a forum will be dedicated to Health Sciences Area on 14 February, that will count with the participation of Nursing and Podology Faculty and will share the space with Biomedical Investigation Congress; on 6 March theHumanities Area Forum to which will be summoned the faculties of Geography and HistoryPhilosophy and Education Sciences, and Philology, Translation and Communication; and, finally, the academic year will close with Foro STEM in the Escola Tècnica Superior d’Enginyeria (ETSE-UV) on 15 April that will also include the faculties of Biological SciencePhysics Chemistry and Mathematics, and theParc Científic de la Universitat de València.

Registration (free) will be done from the landing page of each forum on this link

Virtual forums or landing pages will be open 15 days before the day of the event.
