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Tallers de llengües i cultures
Workshops of languages and culture- Spring 2018

The purpose of each workshop is to promote the language acquisition and culture of the workshop, the values of the multilingualism and the Valencian status as native language of the academic activity. The languages of work are specific in each workshop and the Valencian.

Once the workshop has begun, the coordinator can propose to the participants a group change in order to improve the functioning, very useful if they detect heterogeneous levels.

The unexcused lack in the first session or during two consecutive sessions or three alternatives involves the loss in the workshop. The justification of lack of assistance will be presented at the first possible session to the person who activates the workshop, which will be the decision to accept it or not.

Attendance at the workshops will not be certified or credited for credits.

Who can register it?

The entire university community and the members of the UV Alumni collective of the University of Valencia.

Where will the workshops be taught?

In the classrooms of the Language Policy Service of the University of Valencia (Edificio Beatriu Civera, c. Del Serpis, 29, Valencia).


From 12 February to 18 May 2017. There will be workshops from March 15 to 20 (Fallas) and from March 29 to April 9 (Easter).

How much does it cost?

Attendance at the workshops is free for the entire university community and the members of the Alumni UV community.

How and when can I register?

From 17 January, on the web www.spluv.es/tallers


Fecha Del 23 de enero de 2018 al 18 de mayo de 2018. 24h. Martes.

Lugar de realización

A les aules del Servei de Política Lingüística de la Universitat de València (Edifici Beatriu Civera, c. del Serpis, 29, València).


Servei de Política Lingüística de la Universitat de València.



Contacta dinamitza@valencia.edu

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