Last 14th December the Universitat de València hosted in the Botanic Garden premises the event "Networking for the academic collaboration between universities in the United Kingdom and Spain" in collaboration with SEPIE and British Council.
Data that provide traffic management and city sustainability, draw a picture of the population health condition and the effects of climate change or support international investigative journalism: these are some of the applications of data science that are included in the contents of the Summer School on Data Science at the University of Valencia. The summer school will be held from 28 June to 2 July, under the title 'Challenges in Data Science: Big Date, Biostatistics, Artificial Intelligence and Communications'.
Data that provide traffic management and city sustainability, draw a picture of the population health condition and the effects of climate change or support international investigative journalism: these are some of data science applications that comprise the contents of the 2nd edition of the Summer School about data science at the University of Valencia. The school will run from the 1 to 5 July under the title ‘Challenges in data science: big data, artificial intelligence and communications’.
The Universitat de València hosts the 1st Conference on International Mentoring of the Real Colegio Complutense of Harvard and Partner Universities (RCC-Harvard) to show excellence practices in mentoring at the five universities that form the entity and to develop a joint and coordinated program in this area. The meeting, this Wednesday 12, in the Board Room of the Rectorate, will design the contents, actions and structure that allow the growth, improvement and visualisation of the program.
Més d’una vintena d’experts donaran resposta a aquestes i altres preguntes en la primera edició de la ‘Summer School Challenges for the XXI century: Data, information and communication’, organitzada per la Universitat de València.
The Universitat de València, through its Office of the Vice-Principal for International Relations and Cooperation, participates from 27th May to 1rst June in Philadelphia in the Annual Conference of NAFSA (Association of International Educators).
La Universitat de València ha participat en la “I Feria Estudiar en España” celebrada els dies 13, 15 i 17 de març de 2018 a Colòmbia.
The Universitat de València hosts the congress 'The Russian-Spanish Dialogue 2017. The collaboration in education, science and culture fields on Friday at the Office of the Principal. The sessions in the assembly Hall will be at 9.30 a.m., with the presence of the Principal Esteban Morcillo.
La Universitat de València organitza una jornada per a donar a conèixer a la comunitat universitària les oportunitats d'ocupació que ofereix la Unió Europea, el pròxim 23 de novembre a les 10.00 hores en l'Aula Magna de la Facultat de Filosofia i Ciències de l'Educació.
The II Conference on Inclusive Mobility and Sport at the university Universitat de València seeks to think on the impact that adapted international mobility and physical activity have on our society.
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Between 13 and 15 September the UV takes part in the annual conference of the European Association for International Education (EAIE) that this year celebrates its 28th edition in Seville. The Vice-Principal for Internationalisation and Cooperation, Guillermo Palao, has attended the meeting. Palao has been accompanied by the delegate of the Vice-Principal and by the people in charge of five UV centres: Engineering; Physical Activity and Sport Sciences; Pharmacy; Language Studies; Translation and Communication and Psychology.
Banco Santander collaborates actively in university education throughout international mobility grant funding totalling €287.000. This is carried out through different mechanisms such as the Santander Latin American Grants, consisting of 29 grants of €3,000 to undergraduate students who perform stays in Latin American universities; or the co-funding of grants from the UV International Programme for study abroad in universities at the United States, Latin American, Australia, Asia or Canada.
The Universitat de València has participated in the 1st Fair ‘Estudia en España’ which has taken place in the cities of Asunción (Paraguay) and Montevideo (Uruguay) on 5 and 7 June. Both fairs have been organised by the SEPIE: The Spanish Service for the Internationalisation of Education. Their purpose is to encourage the academic mobility and the attracting of students of these countries by the Spanish universities, both in degree and postgraduate studies.
La Universitat de València participa en la I Fira Estudiar a Espanya a Brasil els dies 11 i 13 de març de 2017 en São Paulo i Rio de Janeiro, respectivament.
El passat 21 de febrer de 2017 es va presentar en la Universitat de València la guia “Europa: Oportunitats de Formació i Ocupació”, elaborada per l'oficina d'informació Europe Direct València.
The delegation of the UASD (Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo) has visited the UV this week.
Representants de la Universitat de València han participat en la III Feria Presidente de la República de Perú. Dins de la seua política d’internacionalització, la Universitat ha estat present en aquesta iniciativa, celebrada a Cuzco els dies 25 i 26 de novembre.
The delegate of the Rector for mobility and exchange, Alfredo Rosado, visits the most important universities in the country to strengthen the existing relations between our institutions and Mexico.
La Universitat de València promociona els seus estudis de postgrau a Mèxic
Del 5 al 8 de novembre, la Universitat de València participa en la fira educativa internacional EuroPosgrados-Mèxic que es desenvolupa a Ciudad de México i Monterrey.
El passat 19 de setembre, durant la XXII Assemblea General del Compostela Group Universities celebrada en la Universitat Jaume I, es va confirmar mitjançant votació unànime l’admissió de la Universitat de València com a membre de ple dret de la dins del nomenat grup.
Amb l’objectiu de fomentar la seua projecció internacional, la Universitat de València ha participat, del 14 al 16 de setembre, en la conferència anual de l’EAIE (European Association for International Education). Liverpool ha estat enguany la seu de la conferència, que ha celebrat la seua 27a edició.
Professor Doris Sommer from Harvard University offers her workshop “Pre-texts” on Thursday 07.07 and gives two lectures on Friday 08.07 at Universitat de València. “Pre-texts” is a programme aimed at education of teachers, based on the application of the most innovative learning strategies and in which more than 300 professors from USA and Latin America have taken part. The activities will take place at Principal Peset Hall of Residence.
On the fourth of July, The Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry hosts the International Mentor Program EEUU-Europa (IMP) which is a meeting uniting the education sector and the public and private sector, and which will analyse evaluation as the key of professional success in the university context. The meeting is organised by the Office of the Vice-Principal for International Relations and Cooperation, directed by Guillermo Palao.
This week, professors Jon Star and Heather Hill, full university professors of Harvard Graduates School of Education, have met almost one hundred UV’s professors to give a talk about training and evaluation of US’ faculty. Talks have taken place in Faculty of Teacher Training and in UV’s Office of the Principal Building.