foto Antonio Cuñat Cuñat
PDI-Titular d'Universitat
Department: Economic Analysis
Despatx 3P02A
(9638) 28775

Antoni Cunyat is associate professor of the department of economic analysis at the University of Valencia and researcher of ERI-CES (structure of research interdisciplinar of economic and social behaviour) where at present develops his activity in the areas of microeconomics, labor economics and game theory.

He has a PhD in economics for the University of Valencia since the year 2001 and has been visiting fellow visiting in Tel Aviv University of Tel Aviv (Israel), Institute of Economic Analysis (CSIC) of Barcelona, University of Essex of Colchester (United Kingdom) and University of Amsterdam in Amsterdam (The Netherlands).

He has taught courses in more than fifteen subjects corresponding to different degrees, of the University of Valencia and Universitat Oberta de Catalunya such as Introduction to Economics, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Labor Economics, Game Theory

He has published several academic articles in national and international journals such as The  Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, The  Manchester School, Economics Letters, International Game  Theory Review, Research in Economics , Economic Theory, Economics Bulletin and Spanish Economic Review.

He has presented several reports and communications in national and international congresses and seminars such as The Annual Congress of the European Economic Society, European Meeting of the Econometric Society, Simposio of Análisis Económico, Jornadas of Economía Labour, Summer Festival on Game  Theory International Conference, Jornadas of Economía Industrial.

Subjects taught and teaching methods
First semester
Wednesday de 09:30 a 10:30. DESPATX 3P02A
First semester
Friday de 10:30 a 12:30. DESPATX 3P02A
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