foto Adela Garcia Valle
PDI-Titular d'Universitat
Knowledge area: SPANISH LANGUAGE
Department: Spanish
Universitat de València. Facultat de Filología, Traducció i Comunicació. Avda. Blasco Ibáñez, 32 46010 Valencia Despacho n.º 15 (tercer piso)
(9638) 64690

Adela García Valle, BA and PhD in Hispanic Philology, is Professor of Spanish Language in the Department of Spanish Philology at the Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication of the University of Valencia and member of the research group HISLEDIA of the UV (History and Historiography of the Spanish Language in its Diachrony. GIUV2013-080). ORCID iD:

His teaching activity has focused on subjects related to the history of the language ("Philological Commentary" and "Diachrony of the Spanish language"), and the correct use of Spanish ("Norm and correct use of the Spanish language").

His research activity includes his participation in ten national and international research projects and more than seventy publications. The research projects have been the following: "Protohistory of the Spanish language" (1989-1992); " Valencian toponymic atlas" (1994-1995); "DILE. Commercial Spanish. Self-learning Spanish with multimedia technology and automatic speech recognition in CD-ROM and Internet version" (1996-1997); "The work of Rafael Lapesa: Foundations and consolidation of the historical syntax of Spanish" (1998); "Spanish phraseological diachrony" (2002-2205); "History, codification and fixity of adverbial locutions in a temporal segment of Spanish (1492-1596)" (2005-2008); "SAIL: Promote Language Learning Through Sport; Raising Awareness and Information about benefits of language learning” (2005-2007); "HISPROCAST" (2009-2011); "FRASLEDIA" (2014-2017) and "HISLEcDIAc" (2018-2020), one result has been the publication of the Historical dictionary of Spanish phraseology. A lexicographical task for the 21st century. Combinations of prepositional and adverbial locutionary character. Archetypal sample (Peter Lang, 2021). His publications include three books: Nominal variation in the origins of Spanish (CSIC, 1998), Medieval Hispanic notaries (University of Valencia, 1999) and Commentary on Hispanic texts: analysis of philological commentary (Tirant humanidades, 2109), as well as articles in indexed journals, book chapters, communications and invited papers. His main lines of research are the history of the Spanish language (historical phonetics and phonology, medieval legal language and historical phraseology), studies of Spanish in contact with other languages in its diachronic aspects and Spanish as a foreign language.

Among his most recent publications are: “Notarial formulations from Latin to Romance in the 13th century: on the role of translation in the historical phraseology of Spanish” (RFULL, 2023); "Prepositional and adverbial locutions in their initial stages in medieval notarial documentation" (RHLE, 2022); "Medieval legal phraseology: I. Latin formulae" (Vox Romanica, 2021); "Medieval legal phraseology: II. The Romance formulae" (Octaedro, 2021); "Phraseology in the process of translation from Latin into Romance in the 13th century: The foundations of adverbial locutions in notarial documentation" (Tirant humanidades, 2020); "Once again on the document of the Alcozar castle's inheritance based on a new interpretation proposal" in Linguistic studies in homage to Emilio Ridruejo (University of Valencia, 2019); "For the diachrony of prepositional locutions of finality in the peninsular linguistic sphere based on the Alphonsine chronicles and their translations into Galician and Portuguese", in How phraseological units are made: Continuity and renewal in the diachrony of the Castilian space (Peter Lang, 2018); " On the locutionary system of Spanish in its diachrony: the structure with nominal nucleus in the II volume of the First General Chronicle (Estoria de Espanna) by Alfonso X" (Vox Romanica, 2017); "The expression of cause through medieval locutionary prepositional combinations in the Alphonsine chronicles and in their translations into Galician and Portuguese" (with A. Ricós Vidal), in Phraseology through the history of the Spanish language and historiography (Tirant humanidades, 2017); "Prepositional locutionary combinations in Volume II of Alfonso X's First General Chronicle (Estoria de Espanna)" in Spanish Phraseology: Diachrony and codification (Annex 104 of the Journal of Spanish Philology, 2016); "Orality and discursive traditions in ancient documentation (for a review of discursive traditions based on oral language in notarial writings)", in Themes, problems and methods for the edition and study of ancient Hispanic documents (Tirant humanidades, 2015); "Adverbial expressions in the legal sphere: From the medieval fueros to their consolidation in the language" (Journal of Spanish Philology -CSIC, 2010); "Medieval legal formulae. A preliminary approach from the notarial documentation of Navarre" (Yearbook of the History of Spanish Law, 2004), etc. She has also been an external evaluator as a specialist in research journals such as Dicenda. Hispanic Philology Notebooks (Madrid, 2015); Omázein (Santiago, Chile, 2015); Études romanes de Brno (Czech Republic, 2020); Quaderns de Filologia de la Universitat de València. Estudis lingüístics (Valencia, 2020); Journal of the History of the Spanish Language (2021); RFULL. University of La Laguna Philology Journal (2022); Romanesque Studies at the University of Murcia (2022); Panorama of current studies of Spanish in the America published by the Editorial Fund of the Faculty of Communications and Philology of the University of Antioquia (Santiago de Chile y Madrid, 2023). Doctoral theses supervised: The change of etymological F in orality and scripturality from the perspectives of Romance linguistics (Yohei Mishima, 2020. Co-directed with M. Quilis Merín); Diacritical words and their locutions in the history of the Spanish language (Juan Manuel Ribes Lorenzo, 2021. Co-directed with D. Porcel Bueno).

She has combined teaching and research with academic management as degree mobility coordinator for the Bachelor's Degree in Hispanic Studies, assistant (2015-2018) and titular (2018-2021). She has been a tutor in the "Entreiguals" student mentoring programme - "Incoming students" mode (2015-2021). She has also been coordinator and tutor of the external internships in companies of the Master's Degree in "Advanced Hispanic Studies" (2012-2021) and tutor of these internships in the Bachelor's Degree in "Hispanic Studies" (2012-2021) and in the Bachelor's Degree in "Hispanic Philology" (2006-2014). She is also currently coordinator of the UGA courses (University of Georgia, USA) at the Universitat de València since 2015 and has been a member of several commissions in the FFTiC, recruitment for Associate Professor positions, (2001-2002, 2010-2013), of the CAT of "English Studies" (2015-2017), of the "Review of Qualification of the FFTiC" (2018-2021) and of the "Academic Commission of the Master of Advanced Hispanic Studies" of the Department of Spanish Philology of the FFTiC (from 2019).

Subjects taught and teaching methods
01/09/2024 - 26/01/2025
27/01/2025 - 31/07/2025
Participate in the e-tutoring programme of the Universitat de València