foto Agustin Angel Diez Castillo
PDI-Prof. Permanent Laboral Ppl
Director/a de Departament
Knowledge area: ARCHEOLOGY
Department: Prehistory, Archaeology and Ancient History
Departamento de Prehistòria, Arqueologia i Història Antiga Facultat de Geografia i Història Edifici Departamental Despatx 214 Avda. Blasco Ibañez, 28 Valencia 46010 Teléfono 963 86 4628
(9638) 64628
963 86 4242 (D)

Doctor in History from the University of Cantabria (1996), my Doctoral Thesis deals with the study of prehistoric settlement in the western valleys of Cantabria. Upon receiving the degree of Doctor, he moved to the University of California, Berkeley where, with a grant from the Marcelino Botín Foundation, he spent four years in the Department of Anthropology and the Archaeological Research Facility with Professor Margaret Conkey, until In 2000 he won one of the positions in the Spanish national program for Doctors and Technologists abroad. Since then he carries out his research activity in the Department of Prehistory and Archeology of the University of Valencia.

My main lines of research are: Landscape archeology (see 'Utilization of resources in the Cantabrian Mountains and Mountains: an ecological prehistory of the valleys of the Deva and Nansa', Gernika 1997), the cultural contact between the last communities of hunters -collectors and the first agricultural communities both in the Cantabrian area (The coast and the interior in the Postglacial Period: the Epipaleolithic-Mesolithic-Neolithic Transitions in the Basque-Cantabrian Region / Manuel Ramón González Morales, Jesús Ruiz Cobo, Lawrence Guy Straus, Agustín Díez Castillo In: Munibe: Anthropology and archeology, ISSN 1132-2217, No. 56, 2004, pp. 61-78), as in the Mediterranean (Mas d'Is (Penàguila, Alicante): Villages and monumental enclosures of the Early Neolithic in the Serpis valley / Joan Bernabéu Aubán, Francisco Javier Molina Hernández, Teresa Orozco Köhler, Agustín Díez Castillo, Magdalena Gómez Puche In: Prehistory works, ISSN 008 2-5638, Vol. 60, No. 2, 2003, pages 39-59) and the application of New Technologies to the study of heritage, in which the development of the SIDGEIPA Archaeological Information System stands out. In recent years his research and teaching task is focused on the application of Geographic Information Systems to the archaeological field, the result of which are works such as "Old stones New Technologies", Illunzar 11 and the application of chemistry in the field of archeology , field in which he has directed the Doctoral Thesis of Gianni Gallelo entitled "Western Mediterranean archeology. Chemical element levels in archaological materials as a methodological tool ". The result of the direction of this Doctoral Thesis is the participation in different conferences among which the Colloquium Spectroscopicum Internationale (Pisa, 2017) and a series of articles stand out among which it deserves to stand out for its impact on the discipline "Anthropogenic units fingerprinted by REE in archaeological stratigraphy: Mas d'Is (Spain) case Rare earth elements" published in 2013.

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