foto Aouatef el Ketiti Yahmedi
PDI-Prof. Permanent Laboral Ppl
Coordinador/a Curs
Department: Language Theory and Communication Sciences
(9638) 64451

Awatef Ketiti Yahmedi is PhD in audiovisual communication with a specialisation in gender from the Universitat de València. Graduate in Journalism and Communication Sciences from the Université de Tunis, postgraduate in the Women and Development programme at the Institute of Women's Studies of the University of Valencia. She is currently a lecturer in audiovisual communication at the University of Valencia. She has been a guest lecturer in six editions of the Mediterranean Chair of the Patronat Sud/nord at the University of Valencia since 2000, a collaborating lecturer at the University of Alicante from 2005 to 2008 and has carried out several research and teaching stays at the International Development Research Center in Canada (2001), the Institut of Global Studies in Geneva, Switzerland (2004), the University of Valdivia, Chile (2015), the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Perú, PUCP (2016) and the Institut de Presse et des Sciences de l'Information de Tunis (2021).

Her research interests focus on communication and gender studies, representation, interculturality and cinema. She was awarded the 2013 Manuel Castillo Research Prize by the General Foundation of the University of Valencia.

She has been principal investigator of the project "Social movements and civil society in North Africa after the revolutions" (2013).  Funded by the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation and Development (AECID). She has participated as a researcher in three European projects "Cultural Narratives of Crisis and Renewal", European Project (H2020-MSCA-RISE-2014). Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions; "Archives in Transition: Collective Memories and Subaltern Uses Acronym: rans.Arch (Code: 8772299, Horizon 2020 / MSCA-RISE). "Trans-making. Art, Culture, Economy to democratize society (C.1/2017-12/2020 Horizon 2020 / MSCA-RISE)". She has been a member of the research team of the national research projects: 'Interculturality, Biopolitics and Gender Technologies' (2017-2019), directed by Dr. Giulia Colaizzi and "Terrorism and fictional cinema: from a historical perspective to global issues" (2012-2013), directed by Manuel de la Fuente.

Some publications

 (2020) Colonialidad de la mirada y crísis del orden visual en el Islam, Filosofi(e)Semiotiche, Vol. 7, N. 2, 2020 ISSN 2531-9434; (2019) "Tiranía de la imagen  y crisis del sujeto en la sociedad del espectáculo" en De la Fuente, M. (ed.) Cine, imagen y representación en Guy Debord. Valencia: Tirant Lo Blanch; (2018)  "Feminismo, identidad y religión en el Mundo Árabe",  Clepsydra. Revista Internacional de Estudios de Género y Teoría Feminista, Vol 17, pp 65-82; (2016) "Body, Gender, and Power in the Arab World". Al-Raida Journal,VOl. 139-150 pp. 8-19; (2015)  Cuerpos sin rostros, mujeres árabes en la economía de la guerra global, En   Quesada, F. (Ed.), Guerra, imaginario y género: cuerpos, territorio y conexiones (pp.36-55). Madrid:  Biblioteca Nueva; (2015) "Género y revolución en el Mundo Árabe". Revista: El nuevo pensamiento (Original en árabe). Vol. 4 pp. 11-24. ISSN: 2382-2783. Ed: Abwab Editions. Túnez; KETITI, A. (2014)  Ironie et subversion dans le dessin humoristique numérique post-révolutionnaire en Tunisie, En  Communication électronique, cultures et identités, (pp. 447-454) France : Klog. ISBN : 979-10-92272-02-4.

Awatef Ketiti Yahmedi is PhD in audiovisual communication with a specialisation in gender from the Universitat de València. Graduate in Journalism and Communication Sciences from the Université de Tunis, postgraduate in the Women and Development programme at the Institute of Women's Studies of the University of Valencia. She is currently a lecturer in audiovisual communication at the University of Valencia. She has been a guest lecturer in six editions of the Mediterranean Chair of the Patronat Sud/nord at the University of Valencia since 2000, a collaborating lecturer at the University of Alicante from 2005 to 2008 and has carried out several research and teaching stays at the International Development Research Center in Canada (2001), the Institut of Global Studies in Geneva, Switzerland (2004), the University of Valdivia, Chile (2015), the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Perú, PUCP (2016) and the Institut de Presse et des Sciences de l'Information de Tunis (2021).

Her research interests focus on communication and gender studies, representation, interculturality and cinema. She was awarded the 2013 Manuel Castillo Research Prize by the General Foundation of the University of Valencia.

She has been principal investigator of the project "Social movements and civil society in North Africa after the revolutions" (2013).  Funded by the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation and Development (AECID). She has participated as a researcher in three European projects "Cultural Narratives of Crisis and Renewal", European Project (H2020-MSCA-RISE-2014). Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions; "Archives in Transition: Collective Memories and Subaltern Uses Acronym: rans.Arch (Code: 8772299, Horizon 2020 / MSCA-RISE). "Trans-making. Art, Culture, Economy to democratize society (C.1/2017-12/2020 Horizon 2020 / MSCA-RISE)". She has been a member of the research team of the national research projects: 'Interculturality, Biopolitics and Gender Technologies' (2017-2019), directed by Dr. Giulia Colaizzi and "Terrorism and fictional cinema: from a historical perspective to global issues" (2012-2013), directed by Manuel de la Fuente.

Some publications

 (2020) Colonialidad de la mirada y crísis del orden visual en el Islam, Filosofi(e)Semiotiche, Vol. 7, N. 2, 2020 ISSN 2531-9434; (2019) "Tiranía de la imagen  y crisis del sujeto en la sociedad del espectáculo" en De la Fuente, M. (ed.) Cine, imagen y representación en Guy Debord. Valencia: Tirant Lo Blanch; (2018)  "Feminismo, identidad y religión en el Mundo Árabe",  Clepsydra. Revista Internacional de Estudios de Género y Teoría Feminista, Vol 17, pp 65-82; (2016) "Body, Gender, and Power in the Arab World". Al-Raida Journal,VOl. 139-150 pp. 8-19; (2015)  Cuerpos sin rostros, mujeres árabes en la economía de la guerra global, En   Quesada, F. (Ed.), Guerra, imaginario y género: cuerpos, territorio y conexiones (pp.36-55). Madrid:  Biblioteca Nueva; (2015) "Género y revolución en el Mundo Árabe". Revista: El nuevo pensamiento (Original en árabe). Vol. 4 pp. 11-24. ISSN: 2382-2783. Ed: Abwab Editions. Túnez; KETITI, A. (2014)  Ironie et subversion dans le dessin humoristique numérique post-révolutionnaire en Tunisie, En  Communication électronique, cultures et identités, (pp. 447-454) France : Klog. ISBN : 979-10-92272-02-4.