foto Alejandro Morala Giron
PI-Invest Formacio Atraccio Talent
Facultad de Filología, Traducción y Comunicación. Departamento de Teoría de los Lenguajes y Ciencias de la Comunicación (5ª planta).

Alejandro Morala Girón (Valencia, 1999) has a degree in Audiovisual Communication and a master's degree in New Journalism from the University of Valencia. Currently, he is researcher at the same university, where he is preparing a doctoral thesis and imparting class. She is participating in the project “Gender technologies in Spanish audiovisual culture of the new millennium” (PID2022-138974NA-I00), financed by the MICIN, the AEI and the ERDF. His lines of research focus on film analysis, semiotics and cultural studies. He is the author of various articles published in scientific journals such as Área Abierta or EU-topías.

Subjects taught and teaching methods
Journal Publications
Participations in Conferences