foto Antonio Constan Nava
PDI-Contractat/Da Doctor/A
Coordinador/a Curs
Department: Catalan
Departament de Filologia Catalana Despatx 24 Facultat de Filologia, Traducció i Comunicació Av. Blasco Ibañez, 32, 46010 València

Antonio Constán-Nava holds a degree in Arabic Philology from the University of Alicante (2006) and a PhD with International Mention in Arabic and Islamic Studies from the University of Alicante (2014), with the Doctoral Thesis Edición diplomática, traducción y estudio de la obra Niṣāb al-ajbār wa-taḏkirat al-ajyār de Ibn al-Ṣabbāḥ (s. IX H./ XV e.C.).

Since 2019, he has been an Associate Professor at the Department of Catalan Philology in the Area of Arabic and Islamic Studies. He has been a contract lecturer at the University of Gabes (Tunisia, 2012-2014) and at the University of La Manouba (Tunisia, 2014-2015), in the departments of Hispanic Philology. Subsequently, in Spain, he has been Associate Professor in the Area of Arabic and Islamic Studies at the University of Alicante (2015-2017) and Assistant Professor in the same area at the University of Seville (2017-2019).

His lines of work and research focus, on the one hand, on the History and Arabic language of al-Andalus and its minorities (Mudejars and Moors), as well as the study of Andalusian literature. On the other hand, in the management of cultural diversity, being accredited as Intercultural Mediator by the Department of Equality and Inclusive Policies of the Generalitat Valenciana.

He is director of the Research Group on Arab and Islamic Studies in the Digital Age (GIEAIED) GIUV2021-505.

He participates as a team member in research projects:

  • Toponimia del arco mediterráneo (Cataluña, Islas Baleares, Comunidad Valenciana, Murcia, Cuenca y Albacete) (PID2020-114216RB-C65), que forma parte del proyecto coordinado Toponomasticon Hispaniae (

He is also a member of the Institut Interuniversitari de Filologia Valenciana (since 2022) and the Research Group HUM 931 Andalusian Heritage: culture, documents and landscapes of the Junta de Andalucía (since 2018).

He has participated as a member of the working team in the:

  • FFI2014-58636-P Project Autobiography and cartography as a projection of identity in classical Islam (2015-2018)
  • PGC2018-097011-B-I00 Biografías marginales: violencia, sexo, género e identidad. Edición y análisis de fuentes documentales y valencianas de la época foral (
  • AICO2021/099 Als marges de la història: Violència de gènere i identitats: edición i estudi de documentación valenciana per a la const rucción de biografies marginals (segles XVI-XVII) (

In terms of teaching innovation projects, he is a member of:

  • Grup Consolidat d'Innovació Docent Literatura i Cultura Catalana Antiga (LiCCA) de la Universidad de Valencia, GCID23_2591317

And he has participated in:

  • Docencia emocional con ECO en el marco de los ODS, del IV Plan Propio de Docencia de la Universidad de Sevilla (
  • Xarxa d’innovació LICAiNT Literatura Catalana Antiga i Narrativa Transmèdia de la Universidad de Valencia (CONSOLIDA-PID, UV-SFPIE_PID-1642327) (2021-2022)
  • El método ECO: innovación resonante desde lo emocional en el marco de los ODS (2021-2022), del III Plan Propio de Docencia de la Universidad de Sevilla
  • El reto en la educación superior: aprendizaje con ECO (2019-2020), del III Plan Propio de Docencia de la Universidad de Sevilla

He is the author of the books Kitāb Niṣāb al-ajbār wa-taḏkirat al-ajyār/Libro del Origen de los sucesos y recuerdo de los virtuosos (Madrid: CSIC, 2021), Proyección Islámica e identidad multilingüe. La aljama morisca de Llombai (Valencia, 16th century) (Helsinki: Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia, 2018) and Los vasallos moriscos del marquesado de Llombai en época de don Juan de Borja y san Francisco de Borja: entre 1533 y 1539 (Valencia: Institut Alfons el Magnanim, 2012). As well as various articles and contributions in book chapters (Anaquel de Estudios Árabes, eHumanista/IVITRA, Mirabilia Med/Trans, Afers...).


Subjects taught and teaching methods
35641 - Degree Final Project - Degree in Translation and Interlinguistic Mediation
Language B German
Work end of studies
35641 - Degree Final Project - Degree in Translation and Interlinguistic Mediation
Language B English
Work end of studies
35641 - Degree Final Project - Degree in Translation and Interlinguistic Mediation
Language B French
Work end of studies
35733 - Arabic language 1 - Degree in English StudiesTheoretical-Practical
35733 - Arabic language 1 - Degree in Translation and Interlinguistic Mediation
Language B German
35733 - Arabic language 1 - Degree in Translation and Interlinguistic Mediation
Language B English
35733 - Arabic language 1 - Degree in Modern Languages and LiteraturesTheoretical-Practical
35733 - Arabic language 1 - Degree in Translation and Interlinguistic Mediation
Language B French
35733 - Arabic language 1 - Degree in Catalan StudiesTheoretical-Practical
35733 - Arabic language 1 - Degree in Hispanic Studies: Spanish Language and LiteratureTheoretical-Practical
35757 - Arabic language 2 - Degree in English StudiesTheoretical-Practical
35757 - Arabic language 2 - Degree in Translation and Interlinguistic Mediation
Language B German
35757 - Arabic language 2 - Degree in Translation and Interlinguistic Mediation
Language B English
35757 - Arabic language 2 - Degree in Modern Languages and LiteraturesTheoretical-Practical
35757 - Arabic language 2 - Degree in Translation and Interlinguistic Mediation
Language B French
35757 - Arabic language 2 - Degree in Catalan StudiesTheoretical-Practical
35757 - Arabic language 2 - Degree in Hispanic Studies: Spanish Language and LiteratureTheoretical-Practical
35758 - Arabic language 3 - Degree in Modern Languages and LiteraturesTheoretical-Practical
35758 - Arabic language 3 - Degree in Hispanic Studies: Spanish Language and LiteratureTheoretical-Practical
35787 - Literature (2nd language): Arabic - Degree in Classical PhilologyTheory
35787 - Literature (2nd language): Arabic - Degree in English StudiesTheory
35787 - Literature (2nd language): Arabic - Degree in Modern Languages and LiteraturesTheory
35787 - Literature (2nd language): Arabic - Degree in Catalan StudiesTheory
35787 - Literature (2nd language): Arabic - Degree in Hispanic Studies: Spanish Language and LiteratureTheory
Second semester
Second semester
You participate in the electronic tutoring program of the Universitat de València
Academic training
Journal Publications
Other publications
Previous Tasks
Stays abroad in Research Centers
Participations in Conferences
Participations in Conferences
Participation in Committees and Representations
Thesis, minor thesis and research reports