foto Anna Giulia Ingellis -
PDI-Titular d'Universitat
Vicedega/Vicedegana / Vicedirector/a Ets
Knowledge area: SOCIOLOGY
Department: Sociology and Social Anthropology
Investigadora INSTITUT DE CREATIVITAT I INNOVACIONS EDUCATIVES profesora DEPARTAMENT DE SOCIOLOGIA I ANTROPOLOGIA SOCIAL tutorías martes 11-14 h. Despatx 3D22, Facultat de Ciencies Socials Av. Tarongers 4-b CP: 46021 - València
(9616) 25947

Anna Giulia Ingellis, Ph.d. at University 'La Sapienza', Rome-Italy, is associate professor at the Departments of Sociology and Social Anthropology at the University of Valencia- Spain and researcher at the University Institute of Creativity and Educational Innovation (IUCIE). Her current research interests are: intra-EU migrations, gender inequality, labour market in a comparative perspective, youth condition. Her research has been carried out mainly in Southern Europe. Among her latest publications are: “Italians in Valencia: a new Lifestyle Migration in an Urban Context”, Migraciones, 55, 1-20, 2022 (with Stornaiuolo L.); “In search of a good life in Southern European country: The new Italian migration to Athens and Valencia”. RIEM revista internacional de estudios migratorios,12, 55-83, 2022 (with Maddaloni D.); “Labor Insertion of Italian Professionals in Valencia: Between Emerging and Traditional Professions”. Professions and Professionalism, 11(1), 2021 (with Esteban F); “Prospects for the return of Spanish scientists in the United Kingdom during the Great Recession”, Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research”, 2021 (with Masanet E., Gómez-Ferri J.), La inmigración de italianos a Valencia: más allá de las migraciones económicas in Convergencia. Revista de ciencias sociales, 2020 and the book Coming out. Comparative report. Gender-stereotyped jobs and gender-based identities in the school-to-work transition, Brussels: European Commision; 2019, (Diaz C.); “Mind the Gap.Gender gaps in the education-to-work transition in Mediterranean European countries” Brussels: European Commision; 2018;

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First semester
Wednesday de 11:00 a 14:00. 3D22
Second semester
Tuesday de 11:00 a 14:00. 3D22
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