foto Ana Rosa Calero Valera
PDI-Titular d'Universitat
Knowledge area: GERMAN PHILOLOGY
Department: English and German

Ana R. Calero Valera is Senior Lecturer of German Philology at the University of Valencia. She presented her doctoral thesis "Las obras de Heiner Müller en torno a Shakespeare: reescritura paródica" in 2001, and she obtained the extraordinary doctorate award in 2004. Since 2005, she has been a member of several research projects on contemporary and postdramatic theater in German language. Since 2017, she is a member of the research team REPERCRI: She undertook research visits to German and American universities (Johannes Gutenberg Universität-Mainz, Humboldt Universität-Berlin, Albert Ludwigs Universität-Freiburg, University of Virginia-Charlottesville).

Along with Carmen Plaza Blázquez she has co-authored translations into Spanish, such as Una herencia peligrosa (Gefährliche Verwandtschaft) by Zafer Şenocak (Editorial Pre-Textos, 2009). Her research interests lie in literature in German language of the 20th and 21st centuries, with a specialisation in: The First World War and the interwar period, the literature of (post-)migration and refugees, studies on post-memory and contemporary theater.

Some of her latest publications are: „Glokalisierungsprozesse auf der Bühne: Karagöz, Keloglan und Perikızı“ (Lendemains, 2016, pp. 54-63); ¿A quién pertenecen los muertos? Su memoria y descanso en la literatura. Quaderns de Filologia – Estudis Literaris 2019: 24 (coedición con Olga Hinojosa Picón y Olaf Müller); “Diálogo entre memorias: perpetradores y víctimas en Brief in die Auberginenrepublik de Abbas Khider“. (Revista de Filología Alemana, 27, 2019, pp. 117-130); “Cemeteries as Sites of Memory of the First World War Dead”. En: Geographies of Perpetration. Re-Signifying Cultural Narratives of Mass Violence (Peter Lang, 2021, pp. 75-88); “Vivir y viajar peligrosamente: Ilsa Barea-Kulcsar y la Telefónica”. En: Grenzen überschreiten / Traspasando fronteras (Iberoamericana / Vervuert, 2021, pp. 171-181); “Literarische Rekonstruktion von NS-Zwangsarbeit in Natascha Wodins Sie kam aus Mariupol und Irgendwo in diesem Dunkel“. En: Arbeitswelten von gestern bis heute (Peter Lang, 2022, pp. 37-51); “Cementerios como espacios reales e imaginados en Heldenfriedhof, de Thomas Harlan”. En: Ferrer Mas, Anacleto & Jaume Peris Blanes (coords.): Crimen, Huella y Representación. (Valencia: Shangrila, 2023, pp. 167-194); “Nuevas voces posmigrantes: Hawaii, de Cihan Acar”. En: Maldonado-Alemán, Manuel (coord.): Constelaciones híbridas. Transculturalidad y transnacionalismo en la narrativa actual en lengua alemana. (Madrid: Síntesis, 2023, pp. 363-378); “Buchenwald and Ivan Ivanji’s Impossible Archive: The Voices of the Dead.” Transilvania, no. 2 (2024): 68-77.

Management functions as Vice Dean of Internationalization and Innovation of the Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication (2012-2024) and as support for internationalization for the Vice Chancellor’s Office for Internationalization and Multilingualism of the Universitat de València.

Subjects taught and teaching methods
First semester
Tuesday de 10:30 a 12:30. DEGANAT FFTIC
Second semester
Wednesday de 11:00 a 13:00. DESPATX 077, 6ª PLANTA FFTIC
You participate in the electronic tutoring program of the Universitat de València
Journal Publications
Other publications
Participations in Conferences
Participations in Conferences