Full professor of Philosophy of Law and Politics. She is a professor at the Department of Philosophy of Law and Politics and a researcher at the Human Rights Institute (UV).
She is Vice-Principal of Lifelong Learning, Educational transformation and Employability. University of Valencia
She has been president of the Council for the Elimination of Racial or Ethnic Discrimination (2018 to 2020 Ministry of Equality), currently the president of the Forum for the Social Integration of Immigrants (Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration).
She has been Vice Dean of International Relations at the Faculty of Law (2010-2018), the director of the Department of Philosophy of Law and Politics (Facultat de Dret, 2019-2022) and is a member of the Faculty Board. As well as part of the Senate and the Statutes Commission (UV).
She has recognized five five-year teaching periods, four six-year research periods and one transfer six-year period.
She has participated in more than twenty teaching innovation projects and coordinates the Teaching Innovation in Human Rights (UV) project.
Her research addresses issues related to legal-political philosophy and human rights from the perspective of Spanish and comparative law on issues, among others, such as multicultural societies, immigration policies, citizenship, equality, the promotional role of Law, fundamental legal concepts, ODS and CSR. She is the author of various books and multiple articles in specialized national and foreign scientific journals. Among her works we can mention the monographs erechos y Culturas. Los retos de la diversidad en el espacio público y privado(autora, Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia, 2018); and Problems and proposals regarding the Common European Asylum System. The example of Greece (co-author, Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia, 2017). She has directed 8 doctoral theses.
She has participated in more than thirty international, national and regional research projects. She directs the I + D + i project PID2019-105018RB-100 "Racism and Discrimination: Human Rights under threat" of the Ministry of Science and Innovation. She has been part of the research team of the projects Consolider-Ingenio The time of rights (HURI-AGE), Ministry of Science and Innovation (CSD2008-00007) and Prometheus for groups of excellence (2010 and 2014) of the Generalitat Valenciana.
She belongs to the Comité Aviseur National et International du Center d’Études Ethniques des Universités Montréalaises (Canada). She was a member of the Technical Committee of the II National Human Rights Plan and was a member of the Advisory Committee of the Secretary of State for Immigration and Emigration (Ministry of Labor and Immigration). She collaborates as an evaluator in agencies such as ANEP, AGAE, AGAUR, DEVA and in the international program InterTalentum MSCA-COFUND.
She is director of the Anuario de Filosofía del Derecho (the oldest journal of this discipline in Spain) since 2018.
She has carried out research stays in centers of recognized international prestige in Paris, Milan, Brussels, Geneva, London, San Diego, Bucharest, Toulouse, Moscow and Montréal.