foto Francisco Balbastre Benavent
PDI-Titular d'Universitat
Coordinador/a Curs
Department: Business Administration 'Juan José Renau Piqueras'
Despacho 1A04. Dpto. Dirección de Empresas (Facultat d'Economia) Avda. Tarongers, s/n 46022 VALENCIA
(9638) 28536

[Francisco Balbastre-Benavent is an associate professor in the Department of Business Administration of the University of Valencia. He has been a visiting researcher at national and international research centers, and a guest speaker at Spanish and foreign universities.

His teaching and research specialization focuses on the study of Quality Management (basically, ISO 9001 systems, Excellence Models and Supply Chain Quality Management), Organizational Learning, Knowledge Management, High Performance Work Systems (HPWS) and Innovative Behavior, and the application of Qualitative Research Methodologies.

He has been a principal investigator in competitive research projects (Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Department of Education of the Generalitat Valenciana) and has published in prestigious journals in his area of ​​interest such as European Management Journal, R & D Management, Service Industries Journal, Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, Management Research, Quality Management Journal or International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management.

He has been an accredited assessor of the EFQM Excellence Model and has participated in many external assessments both at national and European level. He has developed numerous consulting projects on issues related to the implementation of quality systems, the application of the EFQM Excellence Model and the development of strategic plans. He has been part of different quality committees within the UV and has been Head of Quality at the Faculty of Economics of the UV. He has been Co-Director of the Interuniversity Official Masters in Quality Management and Director of the Master in Strategic Management of Sports Organizations.]

Journal Publications
Other publications
Activity interests
Participations in Conferences
Participations in Conferences
Participation in Committees and Representations
Patents, Software and Database
Thesis, minor thesis and research reports