Claves actuales del CV. Vicente Sánchez-Biosca (Ph.D. 1986) is Professor of Audiovisual Communication at the Department of Language Theory and Communication Sciences and his research is attached to the Institute of Creativity and Educational Innovations of the University of Valencia. She has been positively evaluated a six-year teaching periods, as well as an additional one. Likewise, he has been evaluated by the CNEAI in five six-period research exceptional result and will apply for the sixth and last one permitted by the Spanish regulations in December 2022. VSB has been visiting professor at numerous international universities: Paris 1 (Panthéon-Sorbonne), Paris 3 (Sorbonne Nouvelle), Université de Montréal, Paris-Sorbonne, Marne-la-Vallée, Universidade de Sao Paulo, New York University, Princeton, Escuela Internacional de cine de San Antonio de los Baños (Cuba), among others. He has also been a visiting scholar at various international centers, such as the University of Wisconsin-Madison (Fulbright postdoctoral fellowship), New York University, Cinémathèque Française, Bophana Audiovisual Research Center (Cambodia), Technische Universität Berlin (Zentrum für Antisemmitismusforschung), in two cases funded by Salvador de Madariaga Senior Fellowships. In 2013 he held the Chair of Hispanic Studies at the King Juan Carlos Center (New York University) and between 2016 and 2018 he was co-director of the Chair of Artistic Studies at IVAM-UV-UPV. He has been Principal Investigator in 8 research projects promoted by different Ministries and regional institutions (Ministry of Universities, Generalitat Valenciana, Ministry of Education and Science, MINECO, Ministry of Presidency of the Government). Among the latest of these (together with A. Ferrer) Contemporary Representations of Perpetrators of Mass Violence: Concepts, Narratives and Images(HAR2017-83519-P), From Crime Scene to Place of Memory (PROMETEU/2020/059), as well as member of the research team of Figures of Perpetrators of Mass Violence: Narratives and Images (AICO/2018/136), Conselleria d'Educació, Investigació, Cultura i Esport, Generalitat Valenciana. VSB is the author of fifteen books from 1985 to 2021, the last two volumes of which are Miradas criminales, ojos de víctima. Imágenes de la afliccción en Camboya (Buenos Aires, Prometeo, 2017) and La Muerte en los ojos. Qué perpetran las imágenes de perpetrador (Alianza editorial, 2021, and forthcoming in Berhghan Books). Likewise, he has edited more than twenty volumes on very diverse issues. The latest are (with B. Jirku) Geographies of Perpetration. Re-Signifying Cultural Narratives of Mass Violence (Peter Lan Verlag, 2021, collection Signaturen der Gewalt / Signatures of Violence) and (with 2021 A. Ferrer) El infierno de los perpetradores: conceptos, relatos, imágenes (Bellaterra, 2019). He has edited lately three monographic volumes of international journals: Mémoires en jeu / Memories at Stake no. 6 (2018) entitled Cambodge. Tuol Sleng ou l'histoire du génocide en chantier / Tuol Sleng, a history of the Cambodian Genocide under construction (with A-L Porée and S. Benzaquen), Genocide Studies and Prevention, 12-2 (2018), Images and Collective Violence: Function, Use And Memory (with L. Zylberman), and (with L. Zylberman) Perpetratores de crímenes de masas. Miradas, identidades y testimonios, Papeles del CEIC. International Journal on Collective identity Research (2021.2). Director of the prestigious journal Archivos de la Filmoteca between 1992 and 2012, he has been part of numerous committees of national and international journals, such as Secuencias, Comunicación y Sociedad, Cinéma et Cie, 1895, Cinémas, Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies, among many others). He was director of a collection of filmmakers at Paidós publishing house. He has organized numerous conferences in national and international institutions of great prestige. Among the last ones, El infierno de los perpetradores. Imágenes, relatos y conceptos (November 2017, together with A. Ferrer, and Crime Scenes and Sites of Memory (November 2019, together with B. Jirku and A. Ferrer).