foto Alberto Bouzas Blanco
PDI-Catedratic/a d'Universitat
Director/a de Departament
Department: Chemical Engineering
Dpto. Ingeniería Química Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Universidad de Valencia Av. de la Universitat s/n 46100 Burjasot - VALENCIA Bloque 4 - Nivel 2 - Despacho 4.2.7
(9635) 44541

Chemical Engineer by the Universitat de València (1999) and PhD in Chemical Engineering by the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (2003). He began his teaching activity in 2001 in the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Valencia, where he currently holds the post of University Professor. His research work has focused on the environmental field, specifically in two main areas: wastewater treatment and coastal water quality assessment. Within the area of wastewater treatment, his scientific activity revolves around issues related to: anaerobic digestion of sludge; the application of membrane technology for energy recovery of organic matter from wastewater and the minimization of sludge produced; the use of microalgae for the treatment of urban wastewater; and the recovery of nitrogen and phosphorus. In this area he has participated in numerous research projects and contracts with both public bodies and private companies, having been principal researcher of three national competitive projects (RTC-2017-6049-2, CTM2017-86751-C2-1-R, CTM2014-54980-C2-1-R) and one European project (LIFE13 ENV/ES/001353). Within the area of coastal water quality assessment, his scientific work has focused on the coordination, implementation and evaluation of different monitoring campaigns of coastal and transitional waters in relation to the presence of priority substances with the aim of analysing the impact of human activity on the appearance of these substances and proposing the relevant corrective measures to ensure a good chemical and ecological status of coastal waters. In this area, he has been a researcher in 13 research agreements with the Generalitat Valenciana, acting as principal researcher in two of them. The development of the scientific activities listed above has resulted in several scientific publications in indexed journals and at national and international conferences and in the supervision of six doctoral theses. Since 2017 he directs the DAM Chair for Integral Management and Resource Recovery of Wastewater and since 2020.

Subjects taught and teaching methods
01/09/2024 - 31/08/2025
MIÉRCOLES de 10:00 a 12:00 DESPATX 4.2.7
Participate in the e-tutoring programme of the Universitat de València
Journal Publications
Patents, Software and Database
Thesis, minor thesis and research reports