foto Jose Francisco Garcia Calderaro
LISITT-IRTIC, Universitat de València C/ Catedrático Jose Beltrán, 2 46980 Paterna (Valencia)
(9635) 43590

José Francisco García Calderaro has a degree in Computer Science from the Polytechnic University of Valencia (1995). He currently works as a Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science and the Higher Technical School of Engineering of the University of Valencia (ETSE-UVEG). He is a member of the LISITT research group in the Institute of Robotics and Information and Communication Technologies (IRTIC) since 1996. His research areas focus on the fields of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), Information Systems and MultiAgent Systems. In these areas, he has participated in national and international research projects (SERTI, ARTS, EASYWAY ...), where he has participated with different roles: technical coordinator, consultant and developer. He is a founding partner of ESAM Technology Company Ltd., a spin off of the University of Valencia formed at the end of 2007.

Journal Publications
Other publications
Stays abroad in Research Centers
Participations in Conferences
Participation in Committees and Representations