foto Ferran Calabuig Moreno
PDI-Titular d'Universitat
Director/a Titulacio Master Oficial
Dega/Degana / Director/a Ets
Department: Physical and Sports Education
c/ Gascó Oliag, 3 46010 València
(9638) 64338

Ferran Calabuig is associate professor in the Department of Physical Education and Sport at the University of Valencia (UV) since 2002 mainly in football and sport management. His teaching is mainly done at the degree of physical activity and sport sciences of the UV. He also teaches in the Master of intervention and research as well as in the Master of sports management of the Faculty of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences. He also teaches in several masters of sport management in public and private universities in Spain. He has also taught at the Lithuanian Sports University (Kaunas) and at the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Chile (Santiago de Chile). He has led and participated in several teaching innovation projects at the UV and other universities.

He leads the Sport Management and Innovation Research Group at the University of Valencia. The main lines of research deal with sports consumer behaviour, sports marketing and sports entrepreneurship. In particular, it is of interest the satisfaction and loyalty of users of sports centres and events. The entrepreneurial orientation of sports companies, the entrepreneurial intentions of students and the lifestyle entrepreneurship. Marketing and sponsorship in sport. The economic and social impact of sport. The dual career of the student-athlete and sports tourism.

He regularly participates in national and international seminars and congresses and belongs to several scientific societies on sport management. He also regularly publishes research results in prestigious national and international journals.

Journal Publications
Other publications
Participations in Conferences
Currricul@'s texts