foto Carlos Salvador Muñoz
PDI-Prof. Permanent Laboral Ppl
Department: Economic Analysis
(9616) 25397

Carlos Salvador holds a PhD of Banking and Quantitate finance (with special honors) and a degree in Economics from the faculty of Economics at the University of Valencia, where he is currently Associate Professor of Economic Analysis (Personal Permanente Laboral in Spanish Universitary System). He was researcher and Assistant Professor in the department of Economic and History of CUNEF Business School (2013-2018) and a visiting researcher at the College of Business at Bangor University (United Kingdom) in 2012. His fields of specialization are the financial economics, Banking and Macroeconomics. His most outstanding research works have been published in international journals such as Journal of Financial Stability, Journal of International Money and FinanceJournal of International Financial MarketsInstitutions & Money, Financial Research Letters, Research in International Business and Finance, The North American Journal of Economics and Finance, The Spanish Review of Financial Economics, Applied Economics letters, Spanish Journal of Finance and Accounting, Regional and Sectoral Economic Studies. Among others, he has presented at the French Finance Association (AFFI), ACEDE Conference, Foro de Finanzas (AEFIN), Conference on International Finance (INFINITI) and The European Association of University Teachers of Banking and Finance. He has been researcher in the projects funded by the European Commission, Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Government of Madrid and Generalitat Valenciana. In the professional field, he has been technician in risks in Adquiera (Bankia Group), scholarship holder in the investment department of ASEVAL (AVIVA group) and training staff at the insurance department of the Valencia regional government. Furthermore, he has published articles about monetary policy in several newspapers and specialized magazines such as Expansión, Cinco Dias, el Economista and Valencia Plaza, among others.

16/09/2024 - 20/12/2024
MIÉRCOLES de 10:00 a 12:00 null
27/01/2025 - 16/05/2025
LUNES de 15:00 a 18:00 AULA 202
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