Professor at the Department of Catalan Philology at the University of Valencia, member of the Institut Interuniversitari de Filologia Valenciana, corresponding member of the Reial Acadèmia de Bones Lletres de Barcelona and associate researcher at the Centre de Recherches Interdisciplinaires sur les Mondes Ibéro -Américains Contemporains (CRIMIC, Sorbonne University). She is the director of Càtedra Joan Fuster.
As a researcher, she has specialized in contemporary Catalan literature and, more specifically, in narrative and essays. His main lines of research are fantastic literature, brevity, irony and hypertextuality. He has edited the poetry of Miquel Duran de València and several miscellaneous volumes, such as L'empremta del mite en la literatura del primer terç del segle XX or Realisme i compromís en la narrativa de la postguerra europea, among others; has published the books: Pere Calders, tòpics i subversions de la tradició fantàstica, Anotacions al marge. Els aforismes de Joan Fuster and, in collaboration with F. Ardolino, G. López-Pampló and P. Rosselló, Escriure és reescriure. Anàlisis i testimonis en la literatura actual, in addition to dozens of articles and book chapters on authors such as Carme Riera, Jesús Moncada, Mercè Rodoreda, Quim Monzó, Víctor Català or Jordi Sarsanedas, among others. Principal researcher of a research group that brings together researchers from different universities and is currently developing a project on hypertextuality in contemporary Catalan literature.