foto Isabel Cordero Carrion
PDI-Titular d'Universitat
Department: Mathematics
Departamento de Matemáticas Área de Matemática Aplicada Facultad de Matemáticas C/ Dr. Moliner, 50 46100 Burjassot (València)
(9635) 43233

Degree in Mathematics and Doctor in Astrophysics in the University of Valencia (2009). Postdoctoral researcher in the Max-Planck Institute of Astrophysics in Garching (Munich, Germany) and the Observatory of Paris-Meudon (Paris, France). Visiting researcher in the Universities of Liege and Namur in Belgium. Currently, I am Associate Professor in the Faculty of Mathematics of the University of Valencia, Applied Mathematics section. I combine my teaching duties with a research activity in the fiels of applied mathematics and astrophysics, with special interest in numerical relativity and gravitational waves. I am member of the Virgo Collaboration in Valencia (Spain), where I coordinate outreach and communication activities. I am member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Physics Communications and part of the Executive Board of the Spanish Society of Relativity and Gravitation. I also have an active involvement in projects with undergraduate students from different degrees, and I devote time and ilusion to a lot of science outreach activities, including being an active member of the local association Sapiencia.

Subjects taught and teaching methods
01/09/2024 - 31/08/2025
MIÉRCOLES de 10:00 a 11:30 DESPATX
01/09/2024 - 31/08/2025
MIÉRCOLES de 15:30 a 17:00 DESPATX
Participate in the e-tutoring programme of the Universitat de València
Academic training
Journal Publications
Other publications
Previous Tasks
Stays abroad in Research Centers
Organization of R+D activities
Participations in Conferences
Participations in Conferences
Participation in Committees and Representations
Thesis, minor thesis and research reports