foto Maria Teresa Cortes Tomas
PDI-Titular d'Universitat
Knowledge area: BASIC PSYCHOLOGY
Department: Basic Psychology
Avda, Blasco Ibáñez, 21, despacho 105
(9639) 83224
Subjects taught and teaching methods
33323 - Practicum (external internship) - Degree in PsychologyPrácticum
42472 - Master's final project - Master's Degree in Drug Dependence: Research, Treatment and Drug PathologiesWork end of studies
43348 - Master's final project - Master's Degree in Psychological Intervention in the Social EnvironmentWork end of studies
44195 - Master's final projectWork end of studies
44195 - Master's final project - Master's Degree in General Health PsychologyWork end of studies
64982 - Intervención en Contextos familiares (Psicoterapia infantojuvenil y familiar)Theory
65215 - El sistema de reforma de menoresTheory
66154 - Intervenciones específicas con familias y menoresTheory
66155 - Violencia filio parentalTheory
First semester
Monday de 10:00 a 13:00. DPTO. PSIC. BÁSICA 3ER. PISO DPCHO. F312
Second semester
Wednesday de 12:30 a 14:00. DPTO. PSIC. BÁSICA 3ER. PISO DPCHO. F312
Second semester
Wednesday de 17:00 a 18:30. DPTO. PSIC. BÁSICA 3ER. PISO DPCHO. F312
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