foto Cristina Villalba Ibañez
Alumn.-Servei de Formacio Permanent
Coordinador/a de Mobilitat

Cristina Villalba Ibáñez has a degree in Hispanic Philology and a doctorate in Spanish Language from the University of Valencia. Her Ph. D. thesis, Actividades de imagen, atenuación e impersonalidad en los juicios orales (Facework, mitigation and impersonality in oral trials), was awarded the Extraordinary Doctorate Prize.

Currently, she works as an assistant professor at the University of Valencia, where she teaches undergraduate and master's courses within the Department of Spanish Philology. Previously, she has worked as an associate professor in the Bachelor's Degree in Early Childhood and Primary Education at the Universitat Jaume I (UJI).

She has made research and teaching stays at the University of Boulder-Colorado (USA), Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg (Germany) and Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz (Germany).

She is part of the Val.Es.Co. research group, dedicated to the study of oral language and the informal register. Within this framework, her lines of research focus on discourse analysis, the pragmatic categories of mitigation and reinforcement, and the teaching of Spanish as a foreign language.

Journal Publications
Participations in Conferences